本文介绍了Visual Studio:StackOverflow的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 大家好, 我想我可能早些时候在我的一些 课程中遇到了一些问题.... 我想*我可能继承了一个继承那个类的类 - 无限循环有点场景....虽然这个没有建成没有哪里VS 弹出这个错误 - 更令人沮丧的是它现在每次都在我用VS打开项目时,它给了我一个调试选项 - 是的, 调试deveng !!!!我不是那么高级了......呵呵.. 任何人都有任何想法如何恢复我的解决方案/项目并得到的东西 再次工作?我已经尝试过修改文件中的代码,但它仍然会失败... 任何帮助都会非常感激。 问候 Rob Hi all, I think I may have created a bit of a problem earlier with some of myclasses.... I *think* that I may have inherited a class that was inheriting that class -endless loop kinda scenario....although this wasn''t built out of no where VSpops this error up - whats more frustrating is that it does it now everytime i open the project in VS, its gives me an option to debug - yes, todebug the deveng!!!! I''m not quite that advanced yet ... hehe.. Anyone got any ideas how I might recover my solution/project and get thingsworking again? I''ve tried amending the code in the files themselves but itstill fails... Any help would be really appreciated. Regards Rob推荐答案 大家好, 非常感谢回复...我很想尝试这个,但我没有得到给予机会...... 代码无法加载并启动VS的调试器(deveng等) - 当你选择一个调试器(无关紧要) - 然后我得到另一个弹出窗口 其中说...反汇编无法在运行模式下显示.... 这后面是一个弹出窗口,上面写着未处理的类型异常 mscorlib.dll中发生了 system.stackoverflowexception。 当某些内容确实在页面的一列中加载了一堆数字时, some在下一个看起来它的行为,以及 中的nval值第三 - 我从来没有见过这样的东西所以绝对不知道 这意味着什么...它查询的这一行: 00000030 mov ebp,eax 在本页顶部有是一个标签,上面写着反汇编。 - 下面有一个显示当前值的下拉菜单 " System.strig.tochararray" 关闭调试器VS然后只是坐在那里挂起....我必须 结束deveng进入窗口的过程...... 我完全是提供建议和建议! Rob Hi guys, Many thanks for the replies...I would love to try this, but I dont get giventhe opportunity... "my" code fails to load and initiates the debugger for VS (deveng etc) -when you choose a debugger (doesn''t matter which) - I then get another popupwhich says..."disassembly cannot be displayed in run mode".... This is followed by a popup which says "An unhandled exception of typesystem.stackoverflowexception occured in mscorlib.dll. When something does load its a load of numbers in one column down the page,some kind of actions by the looks of it in the next, and the nvalues in thethird - I''ve never ever seen anything like this so have absolutely no ideawhat it means...the line it queries is this one: 00000030 mov ebp,eax Across the top of this page there''s a tab which says "Disassembly" -underneath that there''s a drop down with the current value displaying"System.strig.tochararray" After closing the debugger VS then just sits there and hangs....I have toend the process for deveng to get back into windows...I am completely open to suggestions and advice! Rob 这篇关于Visual Studio:StackOverflow的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-30 05:20