本文介绍了PaperJS SymbolItems在命中结果搜索后丢失属性的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在为一个圆创建一个 SymbolDefinition ,并使用 new SymbolItem(定义)。用于创建定义的圆形对象的默认位置为(0,0),默认颜色,没有其他信息,因为无论是什么默认纸张设置。

I'm creating a SymbolDefinition for a circle, and placing it on the canvas using new SymbolItem(definition). The circle object used to create the definition had a default position of (0,0), a default color, and no additional information because whatever defaults paper sets.


When I instance the symbol and place it at a certain position (lets say (20,30) for example), I also append some other information such as a name, some supplementary info in its data property, etc.

如果我点击放置的圆圈,并使用项目#hitResultAll 对该项目进行回调搜索,则命中结果中包含的项目为no更长时间拥有上述任何信息。实际上,它似乎是用于创建定义的原始圆形对象;它的位置实际上是(0,0),它没有名称,data属性为空。

If I click on the placed circle, and have a callback search for that item using project#hitResultAll, the item contained within the hit result no longer possesses any of the information mentioned above. In fact, it appears to be the original circle object used to create the definition; its position is in fact (0,0), it has no name, and the data property is empty.


Here is a jsFiddle with an example (open dev console to see output).


In case the link doesn't work, here is the example code:

var canvas = paper.createCanvas(100, 100);

var circle = paper.Path.Circle([0,0], 10);
circle.fillColor = 'red';

var definition = new paper.SymbolDefinition(circle);

var tool = new paper.Tool();
tool.onMouseUp = function(event){
  var hitResult = paper.project.hitTestAll(event.point);
  if(hitResult.length > 0){
    var result = hitResult[0];
    var item = result.item;
    console.log("Item name should be 'Bob', but is actually " + item.name);
    // Output is: Item name should be 'Bob', but is actually null

var actualCircle = new paper.SymbolItem(definition);
actualCircle.position = [20,30];
actualCircle.name = 'Bob';
console.log("Symbol Item was created with the name " + actualCircle.name);
// Output is: Symbol Item was created with the name Bob


Does anyone know why this is happening, and how I can go about solving it?



This turned out to be a bug in the paperJS hit test code. Thanks to Lehni, this has been resolved. At the time of this post, a new release has not been deployed yet, but so long as you use any version above 0.10.2, you should be safe.


If you are stuck with an older version, according to Lehni:

这篇关于PaperJS SymbolItems在命中结果搜索后丢失属性的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-30 03:07