我正在制作一个小型游戏引擎,我想在其中使用OpenGL绘制内容.我将所有OpenGL对象抽象为类(缓冲区,VertexArrays,着色器,程序...).一切正常,直到我开始进行3D渲染.我实现了自己的矩阵和向量(我没有像glm那样使用),当我将着色器中的顶点位置与任何矩阵相乘时,z坐标就会翻转(z = -z).我什至尝试使用身份矩阵.这是顶点着色器:
I'm making a small game engine in which i want to draw stuff using OpenGL. I abstracted all the OpenGL objects into classes (Buffers, VertexArrays, Shaders, Programs...). Everything worked fine until i got to 3D rendering. I implemented my own matrices and vectors(i didn't use like glm), and when i multiply my vertex position in the shader with any matrix, the z coordinate flips (z = -z). I even tried with the identity matrix. Here is the vertex shader:
#version 330 core
layout(location = 0) in vec4 i_pos;
layout(location = 1) in vec4 i_color;
out vec4 p_color;
uniform mat4 u_MVP;
uniform vec4 u_pos;
void main()
gl_Position = u_MVP * (i_pos + u_pos);
p_color = i_color;
I used the u_Pos
uniform just for debugging reasons. And here i set the uniforms:
void Frame() override
deltaTime = timer.Reset();
if (Input::GetKey(Key::W).value == KeyDown) pos.z += deltaTime;
if (Input::GetKey(Key::S).value == KeyDown) pos.z -= deltaTime;
//mat4f(1.0f) creates a identity matrix
shaderSelection.SetUniform("u_MVP", mat4f(1.0f));
shaderSelection.SetUniform("u_pos", vec4f(pos));
ren.DrawTriangles(vertexArray, indexBuffer, shaderSelection);
Although im sure there's nothing with the matrix struct, here it is:
template<typename T = float, int sizeX = 4, int sizeY = 4>
struct BLAZE_API mat
T v[sizeY][sizeX];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeX * sizeY; i++)
((T*)v)[i] = 0;
mat(T* ptr, bool transpose = false)
if (transpose)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeX * sizeY; i++)
((T*)v)[i] = ptr[i];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeX * sizeY; i++)
((T*)v)[i] = ptr[i % sizeY * sizeX + i / sizeY];
mat(T n)
for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++)
if (x == y)
operator[](x)[y] = n;
operator[](x)[y] = 0;
mat(const mat<T, sizeX, sizeY>& mat)
for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++)
v[x][y] = mat[x][y];
inline T* operator[] (unsigned i) const { return (T*)(v[i]); }
inline void operator= (const mat<T, sizeX, sizeY>& mat)
for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++)
v[x][y] = mat[x][y];
glUniformMatrix4fv( ... , 1, GL_FALSE, m[0]);
了.我很确定不是我的矩阵实现会反转z坐标.就像照相机在-Z方向上看,但是当我在+ X方向上移动对象时,它也在屏幕上也移动+ X(也适用于Y方向),如果照相机朝向,则不应该这样做-Z这是否应该发生,如果可以的话我可以更改吗?
I made the matrix struct such that i don't have to use GL_TRUE
for transpose
parameter in glUniformMatrix4fv
. I am pretty sure it isnt my matrix implementation that is inverting the z coordinate.It is like the camera is looking in the -Z direction, but when i move a object in the +X direction it moves also +X on the screen(also applies for Y direction), which it shouldn't if the camera is facing -Z.Is this supposed to happen, if so can i change it?
如果不变换顶点坐标(或通过身份矩阵),然后直接在规范化的设备空间中设置坐标. NDC是一个唯一的多维数据集,其左侧,底部,(-1,-1,-1)附近,右侧,顶部,(1,1,1)远.这意味着X轴在右侧,Y轴在上方,Z轴指向视图.
If you do not transform the vertex coordinates (or transform it by the Identity matrix), then you directly set the coordinates in normalized device space. The NDC is a unique cube, with the left, bottom, near of (-1, -1, -1) and the right, top, far of (1, 1, 1). That means the X-axis is to the right, the Y-axis is upwards and the Z-axis points into the view.
In common the OpenGL coordinate system is a Right-handed system. In view space the X-axis points to the right and the Y-axis points up.
Since the Z-axis is the Cross product of the X-axis and the Y-axis, it points out of the viewport and appears to be inverted.
典型的OpenGL投影矩阵(例如 glm::ortho
, glm::perspective
或 glm::frustum
To compensate the difference in the direction of the Z-axis in view space in compare to normalized device space the Z-axis has to be inverted.
A typical OpenGL projection matrix (e.g. glm::ortho
, glm::perspective
or glm::frustum
) turns the right handed system to a left handed system and mirrors the Z-axis.
这意味着,如果使用(典型)投影矩阵(并且不进行其他任何变换),则顶点坐标等于视图空间坐标. X轴在右侧,Y轴在上方,Z轴指向视图之外.
That means, if you use a (typical) projection matrix (and no other transformations), then the vertex coordinates are equal to the view space coordinates. The X-axis is to the right, the Y-axis is upwards and the Z-axis points out of the view.
简而言之,在规范化的设备空间中,相机指向+ Z.在视图空间中(在通过典型投影矩阵进行转换之前),相机指向-Z.
In simplified words, in normalized device space the camera points in +Z. In view space (before the transformation by a typical projection matrix) the camera points in -Z.
请注意,如果您设置了查看视锥" ,则依次选择0 < near
和near < far
Note if you setup a Viewing frustum, then 0 < near
and near < far
. Both conditions have to be fulfilled. The geometry has to be between the near and the far plane, else it is clipped. In common a view matrix is used to look at the scene from a certain point of view. The near and far plane of the viewing frustum are chosen in that way, that the geometry is in between.
Since the depth is not linear (see How to render depth linearly in modern OpenGL with gl_FragCoord.z in fragment shader?), the near plane should be placed as close as possible to the geometry.