


This is a hard one, as I have researched for a few hours and could not find a solution that works, so I combined a few of solutions that I found and this is the results:

"$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && dirname -- "$(readlink -f -- "$0")" )"


If anyone has a simpler one, please share otherwise, enjoy!



I don't think that there is a solution for bash which works in every circumstance (for instance when sourcing a file via a link), but this approach might work most of the time:

$ {BASH_SOURCE [0]} 包含脚本的名称,其中包括PATH组件(以调用方式).如果是通过 $ PATH 搜索调用的,则它包含相应的PATH.因此, dirname"$ {BASH_SOURCE [0]}" 将是脚本所在的目录(相对路径或绝对路径).因此, readlink -f-$(dirname"$ {BASH_SOURCE [0]}'')将输出该目录的绝对路径.因此,将 other_script 定位在同一目录中将是:

${BASH_SOURCE[0]} contains the name of the script including PATH component, in the way it is invoked. If it was invoked via a $PATH search, it contains that respective PATH. Hence, dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" would be the directory, where the script is located (either as relative or absolute path). Consequently, readlink -f -- $(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") would output the absolute path to this directory. Hence to locate other_script in the same directory would be:

source "$(readlink -f -- $(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}"))/other_script" # bash

您还标记了 zsh 的问题.在Zsh中,事情要简单一些.您可以在 $ 0 中找到脚本(加上目录部分).因此,目录的绝对路径将返回 $ 0:A ,为您提供

You tagged your question also for zsh. In Zsh, things are a bit simpler. You find your script (plus directory part) in $0. The absolute path of the directory is hence returned $0:A, giving you

source $0:A/other_script # zsh

当然,如果您仅需要此信息来采购其他脚本,则不需要获取 other_script 绝对路径.相对路径也可以.

Of course, if you need this information only for sourcing the other script, you don't need to get the absolute path to other_script. The relative path would do as well.


10-29 16:02