本文介绍了收集研究参与者的Facebook Post数据的最佳方法的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am working with a research group that needs to collect Facebook post data for a group of participants over the course of a few months. The goal is let the participants authorize us to collect this information via facebook, and when they post to Facebook, send that information to a secured server.


After reading the Facebook documentation, I'm mostly just confused about how to provide a mechanism for the user to agree to the terms of collecting his/her data. I'm planning on using webhooks to collect the data, which is independent of the client platform, but do I really need to build separate apps for web, iOS and Android just for the approval process?



You most likely won't get this approved in review anyway.


Permissions must, for the most part, be used to provide a direct benefit to the in-app user experience; collecting data for analytical measures only is explicitly mentioned as a not allowed use case. Whether the users would agree is not relevant here.

例如,权限,不可见地使用此数据,例如情绪分析或保护针对 nope 标记为红色X的垃圾邮件机器人

For example, user_posts permission, has "non-visible use of this data such as sentiment analysis or guarding against spam bots" marked with a red "X" for nope.

这是获取应用程序请求的唯一方法用户的必要权限是通过应用程序仪表板/ API将它们作为测试人员添加到应用程序。在应用中具有角色的任何人都可以被要求获得任何许可,无论是否经过审核。然而,在您的应用程序向他们发送成为测试人员的请求之前,这些用户必须验证他们的帐户(移动/文本,信用卡)并在FB平台上注册为开发人员。

So the only way of getting your app to request the necessary permission(s) from users, would be to add them as testers to the app via app dashboard/API. Anyone with a role in the app which can be asked for any permission, reviewed or not. Those users would however have to have their accounts verified (mobile/text, credit card) and sign up as a "developer" on the FB platform, before your app could send them requests to become testers.

可以这么说,你可以随波逐流。 Facebook提供这个漏洞主要是为了让开发人员在审核之前正确地测试和开发他们的应用程序。它还在应用程序开发常见问题解答中明确提到,作为审查需求的一种方式,针对特定用例,例如希望自动将您的博客帖子发布到您自己的FB页面。它不会涵盖您尝试这样做的内容,但只要您的测试用户都没有特别提出Facebook投诉,它就可能有效......

You'd be flying under the radar with that, so to speak. Facebook offers this "loophole" mainly for the purpose of letting developers test and develop their apps properly, before review. It is also explicitly mentioned in the app development FAQ as a way around the need for review, for specific use cases such as wanting to get your blog posts published to your own FB page automatically. It would not cover what you are trying to do so, but it will likely "work" as long as none of your test users specifically raises a complaint with Facebook ...

不确定是否对可以添加到应用程序的测试用户数量有任何公布的限制,人们过去曾询问过这一点,但AFAIK没有记录或以其他方式由Facebook发布。如果有一个,并没有完全停止这种方法死在它的轨道(比如,每个应用程序而不是五个),你可以使用多个应用程序ID,如果你没有需要过多地关联用户帐户之间的数据 - 因为应用程序范围的用户ID每个应用程序ID都不同,因此可能难以在不同的app-id测试组等的朋友之间建立连接。或者您可能需要参考其他不太可靠的唯一标​​识方法,例如电子邮件或个人资料名称。

Not sure if there is any published limit on the number of test users that can be added to an app, people have asked about that in the past, but AFAIK none is documented or otherwise published by Facebook. If there is one, and it is not completely stopping this approach dead in it's tracks (say, a few hundred per app rather than, five), you could use multiple app ids, if you don't need to relate data between user accounts too much - because the app-scoped user ids will be different per app id, so that could making connections between friends that are in different "app-id test groups" etc. difficult. Or you might have to refer to other, less reliable measures of uniquely identifying them, such as email or profile name.

这篇关于收集研究参与者的Facebook Post数据的最佳方法的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-29 08:50