我正在用asp.net webform和sql server开发一个项目。现在我的客户端想要上传csv文件。这些列就像lotNumber,Description和其他。有很多imagaes各自有lotNumbers。如果文件上传到服务器然后可能没有问题,但现在问题是他们不知道如何通过浏览器上传文件,以便他们将图像放在相同的目录与相应的lotNumber但不会在csv文件列。我的作用是从csv coloum获取批号并获取存储在客户端浏览器目录中的图像,并将文件上传到服务器并将它们保存到数据库。我知道大多数浏览器都无法访问到客户端本地机器的一些安全问题。任何人都可以帮我完成工作吗?
I'm developing a project in asp.net webform and sql server .Now my client wants to upload csv file .The columns are like lotNumber ,Description, and others.There are some lot imagaes with respective lotNumbers.If the files are uploaded to the server then there might have no issue but now the issue is they don't know how to upload files through browsers so that they will put the images in the same directory with respective lotNumber but that won't be specified in the csv file columns.My role is to fetch the Lot number from the csv coloum and fetch the image stored in the client browser directory and upload the files to the server and save them to the database .I know that most of the browsers cant have access to the client local machine for some security issues. Can any one help me to get the work done ?
What I have tried:
I've tried by Jquery also but didn't work.I need some ideas cause I've to get the job done at any cost
Can any one help me to get the work done ?
No, and you even know why.
I know that most of the browsers cant have access to the client local machine for some security issues.