I am playing around with the boost strings library and have just come across the awesome simplicity of the split method.
string delimiters = ",";
string str = "string, with, comma, delimited, tokens, \"and delimiters, inside a quote\"";
// If we didn't care about delimiter characters within a quoted section we could us
vector<string> tokens;
boost::split(tokens, str, boost::is_any_of(delimiters));
// gives the wrong result: tokens = {"string", " with", " comma", " delimited", " tokens", "\"and delimiters", " inside a quote\""}
Which would be nice and concise... however it doesn't seem to work with quotes and instead I have to do something like the following
string delimiters = ",";
string str = "string, with, comma, delimited, tokens, \"and delimiters, inside a quote\"";
vector<string> tokens;
escaped_list_separator<char> separator("\\",delimiters, "\"");
typedef tokenizer<escaped_list_separator<char> > Tokeniser;
Tokeniser t(str, separator);
for (Tokeniser::iterator it = t.begin(); it != t.end(); ++it)
// gives the correct result: tokens = {"string", " with", " comma", " delimited", " tokens", "\"and delimiters, inside a quote\""}
My question is can split or another standard algorithm be used when you have quoted delimiters? Thanks to purpledog but I already have a non-deprecated way of achieving the desired outcome, I just think that it's quite cumbersome and unless I could replace it with a simpler more elegant solution I wouldn't use it in general without first wrapping it in yet another method.
Updated code to show results and clarify question.
似乎没有任何简单的方法可以使用boost :: split方法来执行此操作.我能找到的最短的代码是
It doesn't seem that there is any simple way to do this using the boost::split method. The shortest piece of code I can find to do this is
vector<string> tokens;
tokenizer<escaped_list_separator<char> > t(str, escaped_list_separator<char>("\\", ",", "\""));
BOOST_FOREACH(string s, escTokeniser)
vector<string> tokens;
boost::split(tokens, str, boost::is_any_of(","));
这篇关于结合使用escaped_list_separator和boost split的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!