

我是一名英语老师,并且对.net开发也很感兴趣.当我第一次参加TOEFL iBT考试时,我对他们管理考试的方式很感兴趣.






I am an English teacher and also very interested in .net development. When I first took TOEFL iBT, test I got interested in the way they administer the test.

The whole story is, when you log onto your account on ETS website, you are given a link to start the test. When you click on that link, a warning comes up saying that some application is going to start. I suppose it is a win application. This win application takes up the whoel screen and disables the shortcut keys to prevent any cheating possibility during the test. This application has also audio playing and recording capabilities.

My question is, how can I create a similar application like this? I have already developed a win application which performs all the necessary tasks. However, I don''t know how to execute this program through a link on the website and pass some values like the username and password to the win application from the webform.

I would really appreciate it if you could help me out.

Many, Many thanks in advance.



10-28 11:53