


 的字符串:1 11.1 2 3.2 3 44.1 4 5.4 5 7.4 6 1111.0


和我尝试将其插入到数组一样ARR [0] [0] = 1和ARR [1] [0] = 11.1,编曲[0] [1] = 2,编曲[1] [1] = 3.2 ...


 1 1 11.1 3.2 44.1 3 5.4 4 7.4 5 6 1111.0




 X1 Y1 X2 Y2 X3 Y3 ...... XN Y​​N

然后字符串定义一个函数如果每个 XJ Ĵ,如果喜的值不同XJ 是在相同,则值毅 YJ 是相同的。



        字符输入[] =1 2 11.1 3.2 44.1 3 5.4 4 7.4 5 6 1111.0
        的char *数组[10] [2];
        焦炭**为=&安培;阵列[0] [0];
        INT I,计数= 0;
        对于(项目= strtok的(输入,);项目= NULL;!=项目的strtok(NULL,)){
            *为++ =项目;
        对于(i = 0; I<计数/ 2; ++ I){
            的printf(%S%S \\ N阵列[我] [0],数组[我] [1]);
    的printf(\\ n);
        字符*输入=1 1 11.1 3.2 44.1 3 5.4 4 7.4 5 6 1111.0
        双阵列[10] [2];
        双*为=&安培;阵列[0] [0];
        字符* P;
        INT I,计数= 0,pairSize;
        为(P =输入;!* P ='\\ 0'){
            项=的strtod(对,&放大器; P);
            如果(* P ==''|| * P =='\\ 0'){
                *为++ =项目;
                的printf(无效号码\\ n);
        pairSize =计数/ 2;
        对于(i = 0; I< pairSize ++我){
            的printf(%G,%G \\ N阵列[我] [0],数组[我] [1]);
        对于(I = 0; i + 1的&下; pairSize ++ⅰ){
            如果(阵列[我] [0]> =阵列[I + 1] [0]){
                的printf(无效的序列在阵列内容[%d] [0] =%G和数组内容[%d] [0] =%G \\ N,
                    我,阵列[我] [0],I + 1,数组[I + 1] [0]);
    }    返回0;

I have a string describing the function and I need to check if this is functionThis idea came to me to put the string array then check

 the string: "1 11.1 2 3.2 3 44.1 4 5.4 5 7.4 6 1111.0"

the string describe the function (1,11.1),(2,3.2) (3,44.1) etc...

and I try to insert it to array like arr[0][0]=1 and arr[1][0]=11.1,arr[0][1]=2,arr[1][1]=3.2...And i need help how to do it or get advice to another idea how to check If the string is function?I hope I explained myself better..thanks

in to example the string:

 "1 11.1 1 3.2 3 44.1 4 5.4 5 7.4 6 1111.0"

isn't describe function because we have (1,11.1) and (1,3.2) the question is how to insert the string into array

EDIT for clarity:

He is asking the following question: Given a string of (apparently) evenly many floats, let's represent it in the form:

"x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 ... xn yn"

Then the string "defines a function" if for every xi and xj with i different from j, if the values at xi and xj are the same, then the values at yi and yj are the same.

He wants to know how to check whether a string "defines a function."

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(){
    {//split string by strtok, destroy input by strtok
        char input[] = "1 11.1 2 3.2 3 44.1 4 5.4 5 7.4 6 1111.0";
        char *array[10][2];
        char *item;
        char **to = &array[0][0];
        int i, count=0;
        for(item = strtok(input, " "); item != NULL; item = strtok(NULL, " ")){
            *to++ = item;
        for(i = 0;i<count / 2;++i){
            printf("%s, %s\n", array[i][0], array[i][1]);
    {//convert double by strtod
        char *input = "1 11.1 1 3.2 3 44.1 4 5.4 5 7.4 6 1111.0";
        double array[10][2];
        double item;
        double *to = &array[0][0];
        char *p;
        int i, count=0, pairSize;
        for(p = input; *p != '\0';){
            item = strtod(p, &p);
            if(*p == ' ' || *p == '\0'){
                *to++ = item;
            } else {
                printf("invalid number\n");
        pairSize = count / 2;
        for(i = 0;i<pairSize;++i){
            printf("%g, %g\n", array[i][0], array[i][1]);
        //Check the monotonic increase
        for(i = 0;i+1<pairSize;++i){
            if(array[i][0] >= array[i+1][0]){
                printf("invalid sequence at array[%d][0] = %g and array[%d][0] = %g\n", 
                    i, array[i][0], i+1, array[i+1][0]);

    return 0;


10-28 01:12