


as per title, I know how to draw shape in 13h mode but have not idea how to move it on screen, next thing would be forcing the shape to bounce from edges of the screen, I think to redraw the shape in loop... but not to sure as I just started with assembly, I work on Tasm. Thanks for any suggestions.



Not related to assembly at all. If you know how to draw shapes in 13h mode, just do the mental exercise. Imagine how the video memory (a000:0000 region) content looks when you draw the square at first position, then imagine the content of vram when the square is at second position.


The difference between those two is the required minimum to do between the steps to achieve that effect of shape movement. Clearing whole screen and redrawing the shape will achieve that, but as you can imagine, with lot more writes to vram than the required minimum.


Lot of games dev research in early years was spend to get as near minimal changes, as practically possible, to allow for lot of graphical changes on slow CPUs. At some early computers even something as simple as "clearing screen" may have took more time than single frame on display, i.e. it was impossible to clear the screen without "tearing" effect. In such case that naive approach to clear screen + draw shape in new position would lead to lot of blinking of the shape (as some display frames would show the clear screen instead of shape).

稍后通过双(三重)屏幕缓冲避免了闪烁/撕裂-首先在屏幕外的内存缓冲中准备最终图像,在此期间保持旧图像可见,然后尽可能快地切换整个缓冲区(在某些情况下gfx卡可以切换vram的地址,因此在某些计算机上设置gfx寄存器的操作很便宜,因为您必须逐个字节地将缓冲区复制到目的地.VGA DOS 13h模式允许vram地址设置为IIRC,但可以记不清您是否可以进入另一个64k RAM区域,或者被固定到a000段,从而无法加倍缓冲区).

The blinking/tearing was later avoided by double (triple) screen buffering - preparing the final image in off-screen memory buffer first, keeping the old image visible during that, then switching the whole buffer as fast as possible (on some gfx cards it's possible to switch the address of vram, so it's cheap operation of setting up gfx register, on some computers you had to copy the buffer byte by byte into destination. The VGA DOS 13h mode allows for vram address set IIRC, but can't recall if you can go into another 64k RAM region, or you are pinned down to a000 segment, thus unable to double buffer).


Another common approach was "dirty rectangles" updating technique, where you firstly evaluated boundary boxes of all moving/changing graphic elements, calculating regions of vram which needs updates, then you fully redraw only those regions, keeping rest of vram intact.

所有这些只是对视频ram中值的操纵,您可以在汇编,C,pascal等任何情况下以相同的方式执行此操作(实际上javascript + canvas以相同的方式工作,因此所有原理都适用) .现代的gfx API通常提供不错的方法来轻松更新大范围的vram,例如填充形状,绘制精灵(将来自屏幕精灵缓冲区的值复制到vram中),混合(值不只是写入到vram中,而且还会与旧值混合在一起)混合算法),等等...

All of this is just manipulation of values in video ram, you can do this in the same way in assembly, C, pascal, whatever... (actually javascript + canvas works in the same way, so all principles apply). Modern gfx API usually offer nice methods to update large areas of vram easily, like fill shape, draw sprite (copying values from off screen sprite buffer into vram), blending (value is not just written into vram, but mixed with old value by some blending algorithm), etc...

实际上,有一种技巧是不要触摸vram本身中的值(这是CPU昂贵的操作),而是通过更改调色板值(每帧只有几顶帐篷/几百个CPU指令)来产生一些运动错觉,请参阅参考资料.例如: http://www.effectgames.com/effect/article.psp .html/joe/Old_School_Color_Cycling_with_HTML5

Actually one family of tricks was to not touch the values in vram itself (which is CPU expensive operation), but create some illusion of movement by changing palette values (only few tents/hundreds of CPU instructions per frame), see for example: http://www.effectgames.com/effect/article.psp.html/joe/Old_School_Color_Cycling_with_HTML5


So if you had to ask that question, you should probably take few more looks how the image is created at display, how it relates to content of video memory, and what you can do with it.

对于另一个精神挑战,谷歌针对Atari 2600规格,它根本没有任何视频RAM,游戏必须通过逐行设置视频芯片寄存器来重新创建图像,同时计算其余部分.两者之间的游戏逻辑.这可以使您更深入地了解计算机如何显示事物.

For another mental challenge, google for Atari 2600 specs, it didn't have any video ram at all, the games had to recreate the image by setting up video chip registers on the fly line by line, meanwhile calculating the rest of the game logic in between. This may give you further deeper understanding how computer displays things.


10-27 21:53