本文介绍了如何在这个 B+tree 中最优地实现 Stack 和 Queue 操作?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在我了解 B+树的学习中,我现在想看看修改这个现有的 B+ 索引需要什么树(它具有额外的限制,即每个数组的长度都是 2 的幂:1、2、4、8、16 或 32),然后将其转换为堆栈,然后将其转换为队列.这是来自精彩链接答案的原始 B+tree 代码:

In my learnings to understand B+trees I now would like to see what it takes to modify this existing B+ index tree (which has the additional constraints of having every array be a power of 2 size in length: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32), and turn it into a Stack, and turn it into a Queue. Here is the original B+tree code from the wonderful linked answer:

class Node {
    constructor(capacity) {
        // Mimic fixed-size array (avoid accidentally growing it)
        this.children = Object.seal(Array(capacity).fill(null));
        this.childCount = 0; // Number of used slots in children array
        this.treeSize = 0; // Total number of values in this subtree
        // Maintain back-link to parent.
        this.parent = null;
        // Per level in the tree, maintain a doubly linked list
        this.prev = this.next = null;
    setCapacity(capacity) {
        if (capacity < 1) return;
        // Here we make a new array, and copy the data into it
        let children = Object.seal(Array(capacity).fill(null));
        for (let i = 0; i < this.childCount; i++) children[i] = this.children[i];
        this.children = children;
    isLeaf() {
        return !(this.children[0] instanceof Node);
    index() {
        return this.parent.children.indexOf(this);
    updateTreeSize(start, end, sign=1) {        
        let sum = 0;
        if (this.isLeaf()) {
            sum = end - start;
        } else {
            for (let i = start; i < end; i++) sum += this.children[i].treeSize;
        if (!sum) return;
        sum *= sign;
        // Apply the sum change to this node and all its ancestors
        for (let node = this; node; node = node.parent) {
            node.treeSize += sum;
    wipe(start, end) {
        this.updateTreeSize(start, end, -1);
        this.children.copyWithin(start, end, this.childCount);
        for (let i = this.childCount - end + start; i < this.childCount; i++) {
            this.children[i] = null;
        this.childCount -= end - start;
        // Reduce allocated size if possible
        if (this.childCount * 2 <= this.children.length) this.setCapacity(this.children.length / 2);
    moveFrom(neighbor, target, start, count=1) {
        // Note: `start` can have two meanings:
        //   if neighbor is null, it is the value/Node to move to the target
        //   if neighbor is a Node, it is the index from where value(s) have to be moved to the target
        // Make room in target node
        if (this.childCount + count > this.children.length) this.setCapacity(this.children.length * 2);
        this.children.copyWithin(target + count, target, Math.max(target + count, this.childCount));
        this.childCount += count;
        if (neighbor !== null) {
            // Copy the children
            for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                this.children[target + i] = neighbor.children[start + i];
            // Remove the original references
            neighbor.wipe(start, start + count);
        } else {
            this.children[target] = start; // start is value to insert
        this.updateTreeSize(target, target + count, 1);
        // Set parent link(s)
        if (!this.isLeaf()) {
            for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                this.children[target + i].parent = this;
    moveToNext(count) {
        this.next.moveFrom(this, 0, this.childCount - count, count);
    moveFromNext(count) {
        this.moveFrom(this.next, this.childCount, 0, count);
    basicRemove(index) {
        if (!this.isLeaf()) {
            // Take node out of the level's linked list
            let prev = this.children[index].prev;
            let next = this.children[index].next;
            if (prev) prev.next = next;
            if (next) next.prev = prev;
        this.wipe(index, index + 1);
    basicInsert(index, value) {
        this.moveFrom(null, index, value);
        if (value instanceof Node) {
            // Insert node in the level's linked list
            if (index > 0) {
                value.prev = this.children[index-1];
                value.next = value.prev.next;
            } else if (this.childCount > 1) {
                value.next = this.children[1];
                value.prev = value.next.prev;
            if (value.prev) value.prev.next = value;
            if (value.next) value.next.prev = value;
    pairWithSmallest() {            
        return this.prev && (!this.next || this.next.childCount > this.prev.childCount)
            ? [this.prev, this] : [this, this.next];
    toString() {
        return "[" + this.children.map(v => v??"-").join() + "]";

class Tree {
    constructor(nodeCapacity=32) {
        this.nodeCapacity = nodeCapacity;
        this.root = new Node(1);
        this.first = this.root; // Head of doubly linked list at bottom level
    locate(offset) {
        let node = this.root;
        // Normalise argument
        offset = offset < 0 ? Math.max(0, node.treeSize + offset) : Math.min(offset, node.treeSize);

        while (!node.isLeaf()) {
            let index = 0;
            let child = node.children[index];
            while (offset > child.treeSize || offset === child.treeSize && child.next) {
                offset -= child.treeSize;
                child = node.children[++index];
            node = child;
        return [node, offset];
    getItemAt(offset) {
        let [node, index] = this.locate(offset);
        if (index < node.childCount) return node.children[index];
    setItemAt(offset, value) {
        let [node, index] = this.locate(offset);
        if (index < node.childCount) node.children[index] = value;
    removeItemAt(offset) {
        let [node, index] = this.locate(offset);
        if (index >= node.childCount) return;

        while (true) {
            console.assert(node.isLeaf() || node.children[index].treeSize === 0);

            // Exit when node's fill ratio is fine
            if (!node.parent || node.childCount * 2 > this.nodeCapacity) return;
            // Node has potentially too few children, we should either merge or redistribute
            let [left, right] = node.pairWithSmallest();
            if (!left || !right) { // A node with no siblings? Must become the root!
                this.root = node;
                node.parent = null;
            let sumCount = left.childCount + right.childCount;
            let childCount = sumCount >> 1;
            // Check whether to merge or to redistribute
            if (sumCount > this.nodeCapacity) { // redistribute
                // Move some data from the bigger to the smaller node
                let shift = childCount - node.childCount;
                if (!shift) { // Boundary case: when a redistribution would bring no improvement
                    console.assert(node.childCount * 2 === this.nodeCapacity && sumCount === this.nodeCapacity + 1);
                if (node === left) { // move some children from right to left
                } else { // move some children from left to right
            // Merge:
            // Move all data from the right to the left
            // Prepare to delete right node
            node = right.parent;
            index = right.index();
    insertItemAt(offset, value) {
        let [node, index] = this.locate(offset);
        while (node.childCount === this.nodeCapacity) { // No room here
            if (index === 0 && node.prev && node.prev.childCount < this.nodeCapacity) {
                return node.prev.basicInsert(node.prev.childCount, value);
            // Check whether we can redistribute (to avoid a split)
            if (node !== this.root) {
                let [left, right] = node.pairWithSmallest();
                let joinedIndex = left === node ? index : left.childCount + index;
                let sumCount = left.childCount + right.childCount + 1;
                if (sumCount <= 2 * this.nodeCapacity) { // redistribute
                    let childCount = sumCount >> 1;
                    if (node === right) { // redistribute to the left
                        let insertInLeft = joinedIndex < childCount;
                        left.moveFromNext(childCount - left.childCount - +insertInLeft);
                    } else { // redistribute to the right
                        let insertInRight = index >= sumCount - childCount;
                        left.moveToNext(childCount - right.childCount - +insertInRight);
                    if (joinedIndex > left.childCount || 
                            joinedIndex === left.childCount && left.childCount > right.childCount) {
                        right.basicInsert(joinedIndex - left.childCount, value);
                    } else {
                        left.basicInsert(joinedIndex, value);
            // Cannot redistribute: split node
            let childCount = node.childCount >> 1;
            // Create a new node that will later become the right sibling of this node
            let sibling = new Node(childCount);
            // Move half of node node's data to it
            sibling.moveFrom(node, 0, childCount, childCount);
            // Insert the value in either the current node or the new one
            if (index > node.childCount) {
                sibling.basicInsert(index - node.childCount, value);
            } else {
                node.basicInsert(index, value);
            // Is this the root? 
            if (!node.parent) {
                // ...then first create a parent, which is the new root
                this.root = new Node(2);
                this.root.basicInsert(0, node);
            // Prepare for inserting the sibling node into the tree
            index = node.index() + 1;
            node = node.parent;
            value = sibling;
        node.basicInsert(index, value);
    /* Below this point: these methods are optional */
    * [Symbol.iterator]() { // Make tree iterable
        let i = 0;
        for (let node = this.first; node; node = node.next) {
            for (let i = 0; i < node.childCount; i++) yield node.children[i];
    print() {
        console.log(this.root && this.root.toString());
    verify() {
        // Raise an error when the tree violates one of the required properties
        if (!this.root) return; // An empty tree is fine.
        if (this.root.parent) throw "root should not have a parent";
        // Perform a breadth first traversal
        let q = [this.root];
        while (q.length) {
            if (q[0].isLeaf() && this.first !== q[0]) throw "this.first is not pointing to first leaf";
            let level = [];
            let last = null;
            for (let parent of q) {
                if (!(parent instanceof Node)) throw "parent is not instance of Node";
                if (parent.children.length > this.nodeCapacity) throw "node's children array is too large";
                if (parent.childCount > 0 && parent.childCount * 2 <= parent.children.length) throw "node's fill ratio is too low";
                for (let i = parent.childCount; i < parent.children.length; i++) {
                    if (parent.children[i] !== null) throw "child beyond childCount should be null but is not";
                let treeSize = parent.treeSize;
                if (parent.isLeaf()) {
                    for (let value of parent.children.slice(0, parent.childCount)) {
                        if (value === null) throw "leaf has a null as value";
                        if (value instanceof Node) throw "leaf has a Node as value";
                    if (parent.treeSize !== parent.childCount) throw "leaf has mismatch in treeSize and childCount";
                } else {
                    for (let node of parent.children.slice(0, parent.childCount)) {
                        if (node === null) throw "internal node has a null as value";
                        if (!(node instanceof Node)) throw "internal node has a non-Node as value";
                        if (node.parent !== parent) throw "wrong parent";
                        if (node.prev !== last) throw "prev link incorrect";
                        if (last && last.next !== node) throw "next link incorrect";
                        if (last && last.children.length + node.children.length <= this.nodeCapacity) {
                            throw "two consecutive siblings have a total number of children that is too small";
                        if (node.childCount * 2 < this.nodeCapacity) {
                            throw "internal node is too small: " + node;
                        last = node;
                        treeSize -= node.treeSize;
                    if (treeSize) throw "internal node treeSize sum mismatches";
            if (last && last.next) throw "last node in level has a next reference";
            q = level;
    test(count=100, option=3) {
        // option:
        //     0 = always insert & delete at left side (offset 0)
        //     1 = always insert & delete at right side
        //     2 = always insert & delete at middle
        //     3 = insert & delete at random offsets
        // Create array to perform the same operations on it as on the tree
        let arr = [];
        // Perform a series of insertions
        for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            // Choose random insertion index
            let index = Array.isArray(option) ? option[i] : [0, i, i >> 1, Math.floor(Math.random() * (i+1))][option];
            // Perform same insertion in array and tree
            arr.splice(index, 0, i);
            this.insertItemAt(index, i);
            // Verify tree consistency and properties
            // Verify the order of values in the array is the same as in the tree
            if (arr+"" !== [...this]+"") throw i + ": tree not same as array";
        // Perform a series of updates
        for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            // Choose random update index
            let index = Math.floor(Math.random() * count);
            // Perform same insertion in array and tree
            arr[index] += count;
            this.setItemAt(index, this.getItemAt(index) + count);
            // Verify tree consistency and properties
            // Verify the order of values in the array is the same as in the tree
            if (arr+"" !== [...this]+"") throw "tree not same as array";
        // Perform a series of deletions
        for (let i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            // Choose random deletion index
            let index = [0, i, i >> 1, Math.floor(Math.random() * (i+1))][option];
            // Perform same deletion in array and tree
            arr.splice(index, 1);
            // Verify tree consistency and properties
            // Verify the order of values in the array is the same as in the tree
            if (arr+"" !== [...this]+"") throw "tree not same as array";

// Perform 1000 insertions, 1000 updates, and 1000 deletions on a tree with node capacity of 8
new Tree(8).test(1000);
console.log("all tests completed");

堆栈是后进先出的 LIFO 数据结构,而队列是先进先出的 FIFO 数据结构.一个栈有一个pushpop方法(除了getItemAt(index)等基本数组方法,这个B+tree已经实现了).队列具有 pushshift 方法,其中 shift 将从前面"移除.的阵列.所以它们已经很相似了,只需将项目添加到数组的末尾,或者从数组的开头或结尾删除.

A stack is a last-in-first-out LIFO data structure, while a queue is a first-in-first-out FIFO one. A stack has a push and pop method (in addition to getItemAt(index) and other basic array methods, which this B+tree already implements). A queue has a push and shift method, where shift removes "from the front" of the array. So already they are similar, just add items to the end of the array, or remove from the start or end of the array.

我对现有 B+tree 执行 push 操作的方法是简单地跟踪数组的长度(您可以使用 tree.root.treeSize) 和 insertItemAt(tree.root.treeSize, val) 在那个位置.但也许有更优化的方法来做到这一点?

The way I would do the push operation with the existing B+tree is to simply keep track of the length of the array (which you can do with tree.root.treeSize), and insertItemAt(tree.root.treeSize, val) it at that position. But maybe there is a more optimized way of doing this?

Tree.prototype.push = function(val) { this.insertItemAt(this.root.treeSize, val) }


For the pop, I would simply do:

Tree.prototype.pop = function() {
  let val = this.getItemAt(this.root.treeSize - 1)
  this.removeItemAt(this.root.treeSize - 1)
  return val

最后,对于 shift,我会这样做:

Finally, for the shift, I would do:

Tree.prototype.shift = function() {
  let val = this.getItemAt(0)
  return val

但我的问题是,有没有更好更优化的方法来做到这一点?与其遍历整棵树以找到第一个或最后一个项目,也许我们可以缓存它们?不确定这里的最佳方法.考虑到 B+ 树的结构(因为具有两个约束的这些幂,差不多就是这样),有什么方法可以使这个最优解?例如,在采摘"上操作(pop 和 shift),有 两次遍历,也许这可能是一次(甚至没有)?如何修改这个 B+tree 以优化这些操作?

But my question is, is there a better more optimized way to do this? Rather than traversing the whole tree to find the first or last item, maybe we could cache them? Not sure exactly the best approach here. What is the way to make this most optimal given the structure of the B+tree (as having these power of two constraints, that's pretty much it)? For example, on the "pluck" operations (pop and shift), there are two traversals, maybe this could be one (or none even)? How could this B+tree be modified to make these operations optimal?


你可以做某种缓存.但是一定要意识到遍历整棵树"并不像听起来那么糟糕.是从根到叶子的遍历,所以节点访问次数等于层数.树的层数是O(logn).要获得具有 10 个级别的树,您必须插入数千亿个值.

You could do some sort of caching. But do realise that "traversing the whole tree" is not as bad as it sounds. It is about traversing from the root to a leaf, so the number of node visits is equal to the number of levels. The number of levels of the tree is O(logn). To get a tree with 10 levels, you would have to insert hundreds of billions of values.

不过,您可以通过使用维护在底层的链表来避免向下遍历.代码已经引用了列表中最左边的节点 (this.first),我们可以添加对最后一个节点的引用并保持同步.

Still, you can avoid that downward traversal by making use of the linked list that is maintained at the bottom level. The code already has a reference to the left most node in that list (this.first), and we could add a reference to the last one and keep it in sync.

此外,我们可以改变 removeItemAt 以便它也返回删除的值.这样您就不必单独调用 getItemAt.

Also, we could alter removeItemAt so that it also returns the deleted value. That way you don't have to do a separate call to getItemAt.

要使 removeItemAt 返回删除的值,请在函数开头附近添加一行:

To make removeItemAt return the removed value, add a line near the start of the function:

removeItemAt(offset) {
    let [node, index] = this.locate(offset);
    if (index >= node.childCount) return;
    let value = node.children[index]; // <-- get deleted item (to return it)

... 并将 4 个 return 语句中的每个更改为:

... and change each of the 4 return statements to:

return value;


this.first = this.last = this.root; // Head & tail of doubly linked list at bottom level

...并可能在 insertItemAt 中插入节点时分配给它:

...and potentially assign to it when inserting a node in insertItemAt:

let sibling = new Node(childCount);
if (node === this.last) this.last = sibling; // <----

...并在删除 removeItemAt 中的最后一个节点时分配给它(接近末尾):

...and assign to it when removing the last node in removeItemAt (near the end):

if (right === this.last) this.last = left; // <----

然后 locate 方法可以检测返回节点应该是树底层的第一个或最后一个节点的情况:

Then the locate method could detect a situation where the returned node should be either the first or last node in the bottom layer of the tree:

    // Normalise argument
    offset = offset < 0 ? Math.max(0, node.treeSize + offset) : Math.min(offset, node.treeSize);
    // Add these Shortcuts:
    if (offset < this.first.childCount) return [this.first, offset];
    if (offset >= node.treeSize - this.last.childCount) {
        return [this.last, offset - node.treeSize + this.last.childCount];


Finally, we'll want to add these methods:

push(value) {
    this.insertItemAt(this.root.treeSize, value);
pop() {
    return this.removeItemAt(-1);
unshift(value) {
    this.insertItemAt(0, value);
shift() {
    return this.removeItemAt(0);

实施 - 片段

这是带有这些更改的代码,以及为测试这些新方法而定制的 test 方法:

class Node {
    constructor(capacity) {
        // Mimic fixed-size array (avoid accidentally growing it)
        this.children = Object.seal(Array(capacity).fill(null));
        this.childCount = 0; // Number of used slots in children array
        this.treeSize = 0; // Total number of values in this subtree
        // Maintain back-link to parent.
        this.parent = null;
        // Per level in the tree, maintain a doubly linked list
        this.prev = this.next = null;
    setCapacity(capacity) {
        if (capacity < 1) return;
        // Here we make a new array, and copy the data into it
        let children = Object.seal(Array(capacity).fill(null));
        for (let i = 0; i < this.childCount; i++) children[i] = this.children[i];
        this.children = children;
    isLeaf() {
        return !(this.children[0] instanceof Node);
    index() {
        return this.parent.children.indexOf(this);
    updateTreeSize(start, end, sign=1) {        
        let sum = 0;
        if (this.isLeaf()) {
            sum = end - start;
        } else {
            for (let i = start; i < end; i++) sum += this.children[i].treeSize;
        if (!sum) return;
        sum *= sign;
        // Apply the sum change to this node and all its ancestors
        for (let node = this; node; node = node.parent) {
            node.treeSize += sum;
    wipe(start, end) {
        this.updateTreeSize(start, end, -1);
        this.children.copyWithin(start, end, this.childCount);
        for (let i = this.childCount - end + start; i < this.childCount; i++) {
            this.children[i] = null;
        this.childCount -= end - start;
        // Reduce allocated size if possible
        if (this.childCount * 2 <= this.children.length) this.setCapacity(this.children.length / 2);
    moveFrom(neighbor, target, start, count=1) {
        // Note: `start` can have two meanings:
        //   if neighbor is null, it is the value/Node to move to the target
        //   if neighbor is a Node, it is the index from where value(s) have to be moved to the target
        // Make room in target node
        if (this.childCount + count > this.children.length) this.setCapacity(this.children.length * 2);
        this.children.copyWithin(target + count, target, Math.max(target + count, this.childCount));
        this.childCount += count;
        if (neighbor !== null) {
            // Copy the children
            for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                this.children[target + i] = neighbor.children[start + i];
            // Remove the original references
            neighbor.wipe(start, start + count);
        } else {
            this.children[target] = start; // start is value to insert
        this.updateTreeSize(target, target + count, 1);
        // Set parent link(s)
        if (!this.isLeaf()) {
            for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                this.children[target + i].parent = this;
    moveToNext(count) {
        this.next.moveFrom(this, 0, this.childCount - count, count);
    moveFromNext(count) {
        this.moveFrom(this.next, this.childCount, 0, count);
    basicRemove(index) {
        if (!this.isLeaf()) {
            // Take node out of the level's linked list
            let prev = this.children[index].prev;
            let next = this.children[index].next;
            if (prev) prev.next = next;
            if (next) next.prev = prev;
        this.wipe(index, index + 1);
    basicInsert(index, value) {
        this.moveFrom(null, index, value);
        if (value instanceof Node) {
            // Insert node in the level's linked list
            if (index > 0) {
                value.prev = this.children[index-1];
                value.next = value.prev.next;
            } else if (this.childCount > 1) {
                value.next = this.children[1];
                value.prev = value.next.prev;
            if (value.prev) value.prev.next = value;
            if (value.next) value.next.prev = value;
    pairWithSmallest() {            
        return this.prev && (!this.next || this.next.childCount > this.prev.childCount)
            ? [this.prev, this] : [this, this.next];
    toString() {
        return "[" + this.children.map(v => v??"-").join() + "]";

class Tree {
    constructor(nodeCapacity=32) {
        this.nodeCapacity = nodeCapacity;
        this.root = new Node(1);
        this.first = this.last = this.root; // Head of doubly linked list at bottom level
    locate(offset) {
        let node = this.root;
        // Normalise argument
        offset = offset < 0 ? Math.max(0, node.treeSize + offset) : Math.min(offset, node.treeSize);
        // Shortcuts
        if (offset < this.first.childCount) return [this.first, offset]; // *
        if (offset >= node.treeSize - this.last.childCount) {
            return [this.last, offset - node.treeSize + this.last.childCount]; // *
        while (!node.isLeaf()) {
            let index = 0;
            let child = node.children[index];
            while (offset > child.treeSize || offset === child.treeSize && child.next) {
                offset -= child.treeSize;
                child = node.children[++index];
            node = child;
        return [node, offset];
    getItemAt(offset) {
        let [node, index] = this.locate(offset);
        if (index < node.childCount) return node.children[index];
    setItemAt(offset, value) {
        let [node, index] = this.locate(offset);
        if (index < node.childCount) node.children[index] = value;
    removeItemAt(offset) {
        let [node, index] = this.locate(offset);
        if (index >= node.childCount) return;
        let value = node.children[index]; // * get deleted item (to return it)
        while (true) {
            console.assert(node.isLeaf() || node.children[index].treeSize === 0);

            // Exit when node's fill ratio is fine
            if (!node.parent || node.childCount * 2 > this.nodeCapacity) return value; // *
            // Node has potentially too few children, we should either merge or redistribute
            let [left, right] = node.pairWithSmallest();
            if (!left || !right) { // A node with no siblings? Must become the root!
                this.root = node;
                node.parent = null;
                return value; // *
            let sumCount = left.childCount + right.childCount;
            let childCount = sumCount >> 1;
            // Check whether to merge or to redistribute
            if (sumCount > this.nodeCapacity) { // redistribute
                // Move some data from the bigger to the smaller node
                let shift = childCount - node.childCount;
                if (!shift) { // Boundary case: when a redistribution would bring no improvement
                    console.assert(node.childCount * 2 === this.nodeCapacity && sumCount === this.nodeCapacity + 1);
                    return value; // *
                if (node === left) { // move some children from right to left
                } else { // move some children from left to right
                return value; // *
            // Merge:
            // Move all data from the right to the left
            if (right === this.last) this.last = left;
            // Prepare to delete right node
            node = right.parent;
            index = right.index();
    insertItemAt(offset, value) {
        let [node, index] = this.locate(offset);
        while (node.childCount === this.nodeCapacity) { // No room here
            if (index === 0 && node.prev && node.prev.childCount < this.nodeCapacity) {
                return node.prev.basicInsert(node.prev.childCount, value);
            // Check whether we can redistribute (to avoid a split)
            if (node !== this.root) {
                let [left, right] = node.pairWithSmallest();
                let joinedIndex = left === node ? index : left.childCount + index;
                let sumCount = left.childCount + right.childCount + 1;
                if (sumCount <= 2 * this.nodeCapacity) { // redistribute
                    let childCount = sumCount >> 1;
                    if (node === right) { // redistribute to the left
                        let insertInLeft = joinedIndex < childCount;
                        left.moveFromNext(childCount - left.childCount - +insertInLeft);
                    } else { // redistribute to the right
                        let insertInRight = index >= sumCount - childCount;
                        left.moveToNext(childCount - right.childCount - +insertInRight);
                    if (joinedIndex > left.childCount || 
                            joinedIndex === left.childCount && left.childCount > right.childCount) {
                        right.basicInsert(joinedIndex - left.childCount, value);
                    } else {
                        left.basicInsert(joinedIndex, value);
            // Cannot redistribute: split node
            let childCount = node.childCount >> 1;
            // Create a new node that will later become the right sibling of this node
            let sibling = new Node(childCount);
            if (node === this.last) this.last = sibling;
            // Move half of node node's data to it
            sibling.moveFrom(node, 0, childCount, childCount);
            // Insert the value in either the current node or the new one
            if (index > node.childCount) {
                sibling.basicInsert(index - node.childCount, value);
            } else {
                node.basicInsert(index, value);
            // Is this the root? 
            if (!node.parent) {
                // ...then first create a parent, which is the new root
                this.root = new Node(2);
                this.root.basicInsert(0, node);
            // Prepare for inserting the sibling node into the tree
            index = node.index() + 1;
            node = node.parent;
            value = sibling;
        node.basicInsert(index, value);
    // * added 4 methods
    push(value) {
        this.insertItemAt(this.root.treeSize, value);
    pop() {
        return this.removeItemAt(-1);
    unshift(value) {
        this.insertItemAt(0, value);
    shift() {
        return this.removeItemAt(0);
    /* Below this point: these methods are optional */
    * [Symbol.iterator]() { // Make tree iterable
        let i = 0;
        for (let node = this.first; node; node = node.next) {
            for (let i = 0; i < node.childCount; i++) yield node.children[i];
    print() {
        console.log(this.root && this.root.toString());
    verify() {
        // Raise an error when the tree violates one of the required properties
        if (!this.root) return; // An empty tree is fine.
        if (this.root.parent) throw "root should not have a parent";
        // Perform a breadth first traversal
        let q = [this.root];
        while (q.length) {
            if (q[0].isLeaf() && this.first !== q[0]) throw "this.first is not pointing to first leaf";
            let level = [];
            let last = null;
            for (let parent of q) {
                if (!(parent instanceof Node)) throw "parent is not instance of Node";
                if (parent.children.length > this.nodeCapacity) throw "node's children array is too large";
                if (parent.childCount > 0 && parent.childCount * 2 <= parent.children.length) throw "node's fill ratio is too low";
                for (let i = parent.childCount; i < parent.children.length; i++) {
                    if (parent.children[i] !== null) throw "child beyond childCount should be null but is not";
                let treeSize = parent.treeSize;
                if (parent.isLeaf()) {
                    for (let value of parent.children.slice(0, parent.childCount)) {
                        if (value === null) throw "leaf has a null as value";
                        if (value instanceof Node) throw "leaf has a Node as value";
                    if (parent.treeSize !== parent.childCount) throw "leaf has mismatch in treeSize and childCount";
                } else {
                    for (let node of parent.children.slice(0, parent.childCount)) {
                        if (node === null) throw "internal node has a null as value";
                        if (!(node instanceof Node)) throw "internal node has a non-Node as value";
                        if (node.parent !== parent) throw "wrong parent";
                        if (node.prev !== last) throw "prev link incorrect";
                        if (last && last.next !== node) throw "next link incorrect";
                        if (last && last.children.length + node.children.length <= this.nodeCapacity) {
                            throw "two consecutive siblings have a total number of children that is too small";
                        if (node.childCount * 2 < this.nodeCapacity) {
                            throw "internal node is too small: " + node;
                        last = node;
                        treeSize -= node.treeSize;
                    if (treeSize) throw "internal node treeSize sum mismatches";
            if (last && last.next) throw "last node in level has a next reference";
            q = level;
    test(count=100, option=3) {
        // option:
        //     0 = always insert & delete at left side (offset 0)
        //     1 = always insert & delete at right side
        //     2 = always insert & delete at middle
        //     3 = insert & delete at random offsets
        // Create array to perform the same operations on it as on the tree
        let arr = [];
        // Perform a series of insertions
        for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            // Choose random insertion index
            let index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i+1));
            // Perform same insertion in array and tree
            if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
            } else {
            // Verify tree consistency and properties
            // Verify the order of values in the array is the same as in the tree
            if (arr+"" !== [...this]+"") throw i + ": tree not same as array";
        // Perform a series of deletions and insertions
        for (let i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            // Choose random deletion index
            let index = [0, i, i >> 1, Math.floor(Math.random() * (i+1))][option];
            // Perform same deletion in array and tree
            if (Math.random() < 0.6) {
                if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
                    if (arr.pop(i) !== this.pop(i)) throw "pop returns different value";
                } else {
                    if (arr.shift(i) !== this.shift(i)) throw "shift returns different value";
            } else {
                if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
                } else {
            // Verify tree consistency and properties
            // Verify the order of values in the array is the same as in the tree
            if (arr+"" !== [...this]+"") throw "tree not same as array";
        return this;

// Perform 1000 insertions, with either push or unshift, 
// then a mix of 1000 insertions/removals, the latter with either pop or shift.
new Tree(8).test(1000);
console.log("all tests completed");

这篇关于如何在这个 B+tree 中最优地实现 Stack 和 Queue 操作?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-27 20:11