

我想在repo url字段中提供什么,因为我正在使用远程本地系统进行克隆和构建.

I am using Jenkins to build from my git remote repository.
What am I suppose to provide in the repo url field since I am using remote local system for cloning and building.
Last time I give the clone command in the field and I got the error:

stderr: fatal: '//se12/adempiere370new' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.


What am I actually suppose to give in the url field?


您需要确保运行Jenkins Job的用户有权访问代表由Jenkins监控的远程仓库的远程文件夹.

You need to make sure the user running the Jenkins Job has the right to access the remote folder which represents your remote repo monitored by Jenkins.


If you are on Windows (as your previous question tends to indicate), the path should be:


因此,请确保运行Jenkins的用户可以执行 dir \\ se12 \ adempiere370new

So make sure the user running Jenkins can do a dir \\se12\adempiere370new

OP托尼·戴维斯 //se12/adempiere370new 也能正常工作,但该命令必须为 git clone//se12/adempiere370new ,且其前面没有任何" $ ".

The OP Tony Davis mentions //se12/adempiere370new works too, but the command must be git clone //se12/adempiere370new, without any '$' in front of it.


10-27 15:51