他们的规格说明了以下要求: 客户端= Windows 8.1 服务器= Windows Server 2012 R2 电话= Windows Phone 8.1 我对单独的客户端和服务器的需求感到困惑?我是否需要安装单独的客户端和具有上述不同操作系统的单独服务器机器? 我唯一的要求是使用Microsoft OCR库运行独立的Winforms / WPF C#应用程序吗? 请帮助.. I need to use Microsoft OCR in my standalone Winforms desktop application. Will it work with following software?Operating system= 8.1Winforms in VS 2013Their specifications states following requirements:Client= Windows 8.1Server= Windows Server 2012 R2Phone= Windows Phone 8.1I am confused for the need for separate Client and Server? Do I need to install a separate Client and a separate server machine having the above different OS ? My only requirement is to run the standalone Winforms/WPF C# application with the Microsoft OCR library?Please help..推荐答案 客户端/服务器分离不需要(或放置)......这些库是独立的,支持的操作系统列表为库支持的每种操作系统提供3个条目。桌面最小,服务器最小,手机最小... 但是你应该考虑的是这些库不断变化,当前的MSDN页面提到最低限度的Windows 10 ...... /> 还要考虑库支持的语言 - 据我所知,此时没有办法教引擎一种新语言...... There is no need (or place) for client/server separation...These libraries are standalone, the list of supported operating systems has 3 entries for every type of operating systems the library supports. Minimum for desktop, minimum for server and minimum for phone...What you should consider however is that these libraries are in constant changes and the current MSDN page mentions Windows 10 as minimum...Also consider the languages supported by the library - as I understand, at this point there is no way to teach the engine a new language... 这篇关于winforms桌面上的Microsoft OCR / WindowsPreview.Media的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-27 12:45