This is continuation to my previous question here:
比方说,我已经生成公钥/私钥对,但我想保存注册的应用程序本身的私钥 - 通过生成的.c code只包含数据(公钥和私钥部分)例如:
Let's say I have generated private / public key pair, but I want to save private key within registered application itself - for example by generating .c code which contains only data (public and private key parts).
当然,这是有风险的解决方案 - 因为如果黑客应用程序提取私钥 - 他可以自己创建许可证
Of course it's risky solution - since if hacker extracts private key from application - he can create licenses by himself.
但是,这是穷人的解决方案,所以我想一切是在一个应用程序 - 私钥和公钥 - 所以报名表是同样的序列号生成对话框
But this is "poor man solution", so I want everything to be in one application - private and public keys - so registration form would be also serial number generation dialog.
So I want to place private key inside application, but to protect it with some password, which only I know about.
所以,通过输入序列号 - 在第一遍我们试图匹配特定的硬件(验证签名),但如果一个人不成功,我们尝试检查,如果最终用户是管理员(或序列号生成人)。
So by entering serial number - in first pass we try to match against particular hardware (verify signature), but if that one does not succeeds, we try to check if end-user is "administrator" (or serial number generation person).
What would be best two-way encrypting algorithm , which will use password as an input and would be tolerant to brute force attacks ?
I guess "administrator password" should be reliable enough, not to be easily guessable (not listed in any well known brute-force hack dictionaries).
此外,它会是很好的加密形式存储至少密码注册表/或。也许是有道理的密码=== SHA-1散列===> 20字节的哈希 - 存储在注册表(管理员密码),然后使用散列加密私钥
Also it would be good to store password in registry / or at least in encrypted form. May be makes sense to password === sha-1 hash ===> 20 bytes hash - store it in registry ("administrator password"), and then to use hash to encrypt private key.
同样的问题在previous的问题 -
作为一个基地我会preFER使用普通C或C ++(不是C#),preferably的Windows / wincrypt.h或任何现有普通的C源代码code(preferably不是很大,3-第三方库)。
Same issue as in previous question - As a base I would prefer to use plain C or C++ (not C#), preferably Windows / wincrypt.h or any existing plain C source code (Preferably not huge 3-rd party libraries).
- 这是不太回答有关给定的加密算法的直接问题,但更多的关于您的总体目标,根据你的两个发布的问题和答案和意见。
- 当我按照软件的安全问题一般,我的不的专家,所以采取什么我说此相应。
- This is less of an answer to the direct question about a given encryption algorithm, but more about your overall goal, based upon your two posted questions and answers and comments.
- While I follow software security issues generally, I'm not an expert, so take anything I say herein accordingly.
You're trying to protect your software. That is, what you're looking for is a way to implement a licensing scheme.
What you need [and hopefully have], but did not post is a functional/design specification for this. The two way encryption is but a part of this.
You aren't the first person to need this. There are already schemes to do this. I'd recommend using an existing solution. There is probably a public/free open source version.
You talked about email and registration form and cut-and-paste but didn't detail how that works. Nor did you mention how this interacts with your application. Do you register with a web browser or have the app present a registration dialog?
我猜测,你有一个用户输入电子邮件地址变成一种形式。然后,您的服务器将发回一封电子邮件,其中一些特殊的code [例如这是有效的15分钟],该用户必须输入完成注册证明的电子邮件是有效的,与系统的身份信息一起
I'm guessing that you have a user enter an email address into a form. Then, your server will send back an email with some special code [e.g. that is valid for 15 minutes] that the user must enter to complete registration to prove the email is valid, along with the system identity information.
您提到的剪切和粘贴的限制因素。但是,海事组织,它的不是的真如你可以把钥匙在MIME EN codeD附件,并让用户将它保存到一个文件中。然后,将报名表可以上传这个文件。即使是一个漫长的值是(例如10行72字符/行)将仍适合剪贴板中。
You mentioned that the cut-and-paste is the limiting factor. But, IMO, it isn't really as you could put the key in a MIME encoded attachment and have the user save it to a file. The registration form could then upload this file. Even a lengthy value that is (e.g. 10 lines of 72 chars / line) will still fit inside a clipboard.
您收集[希望]关于客户端系统的唯一识别信息。现在的CPU序列号为0的最后奔腾III处理器[除非在BIOS中启用。但是,其他 CPUID
You gather [hopefully] unique identifying information about the client system. The CPU serial number is now 0 on most post pentium-III processors [unless enabled in the BIOS]. But, other CPUID
parts may provide some uniqueness. The Ethernet MAC address is unique, but many NICs allow it to be changed in software. A disk serial number isn't a good choice [IMO] because disks have the highest failure rate and need to be replaced over time.
But, let's assume you can gather enough information from the above sources [and maybe some others] to get a "system ID". You can concatenate this with other stuff like username, etc. You can run this through a one way hash like sha1 [or whatever] if you choose. So, now, you've got an "system identity". Save that somewhere (e.g. file or registry)
But, storing the private key in the app [or anywhere on the client system] is a non-starter, IMO. You only need this during the generation phase.
So, have the registration process send the system identity to a private server that you control (e.g. Amazon EC2). The server encrypts/signs [using public/private key crypto like RSA] the system identity and sends back the public key and the "signed result". These get stored.
The verification for any app is to regather the system identity information, apply the algorithm with it and the public key. It should match the signed result.
这消除了需要存储与应用程序的私有密钥,保持与使用RC4 [或当量]密码加密。这消除了复杂性,仅仅起到了削弱摆在首位你的保护。
This eliminates the need to store the private key with the app, keep it encrypted with a password that uses RC4 [or equiv]. This eliminates complexity that just served to weaken your protection in the first place.
I'm a bit confused about the "system administrator" or "serial license generation person". If that's not you [or your server], then it implies you're going to give out OEM contracts and the local admin can generate licenses for a given subset of systems under this control. So, you'll need an OEM key [that gets sent to your server] to allow multiple licenses to be generated.
的任何的软件授权方案是[容易]易碎。在应用中,无论多么复杂[或简单]验证算法,它归结为一个[或多个] /无故障测试。也就是说,这样的:
Any software licensing scheme is [easily] breakable. In the app, no matter how complex [or simple] the verification algorithm is, it boils down to a [or multiple] go/nogo tests. That is, something like:
#include <stdlib.h>
int user_authorized(void);
void run_program();
if (! user_authorized())
return 0;
.globl main
subq $8, %rsp
call user_authorized
testl %eax, %eax
je .L5 # change this to a nop
xorl %eax, %eax
call run_program
xorl %eax, %eax
addq $8, %rsp
call abort
注意 JE .L5
中止程序。如果程序修补改变这一指令 NOP
,许可证测试通行证,不管是什么 user_authorized
Notice the je .L5
to abort the program. If the program is patched to change this instruction to nop
, the license test "passes", regardless of what user_authorized
This can be repeated for as many security checks as the program has.
安全是一个相对的概念。一个$ 50个应用程序并不需要尽可能多的保护为一体,售价为$ 500,000(如一些CAD / Xilinx公司的CAE程序)。
Security is a relative term. A $50 app doesn't need as much protection as one that sells for $500,000 (e.g. some CAD/CAE programs from Xilinx).
Take a leaf from Microsoft's playbook. They present a "licensing" dialog that you must accept (i.e. "shrink wrap"). One must accept the agreement. It prohibits reverse engineering, etc. This gives you legal cover. Consult an attorney on this.
This is, in addition to, whatever software scheme you ultimately decide on.