


I have a singleton class handling Subscribe and Unsubscribe requests from different clients running in different threads. The singleton contains a collection of Subscribers. Before adding or removing, the class needs to validate that the element hasn't already been added or deleted.


Normally I would implement this using a List or a HashSet calling Contains before each operation, but if I want to use one of the new classes in the System.Collections.Concurrent namespace, the only option I see is to use a ConcurrentDictionary with a dummy value.


Is this my best option or is there something I'm overlooking? By the way, performance is not really a factor to consider.


为什么不使用ConcurrentDictionary支持阻塞队列。 BlockingQueue似乎适合您的生产者/消费者方案,ConcurrentDictionary适合您的查找。

Why dont you use ConcurrentDictionary backed with Blocking Queue. BlockingQueue seems to fit your producer/consumer scheme, and ConcurrentDictionary for your lookups.


10-27 01:14