


I'm trying to sync to Perforce in my pipeline script, but from the documentation I don't see a way to set the "workspace behavior", even though the plugin itself seems to have that capability.


I want the "workspace" to be equivalent to the setting "Manual (custom view)" I can configure in the UI as described here. What parameters do I need to pass to the p4sync task to achieve that?


您将需要使用完整的checkout DSL,p4sync DSL仅是基本的.最简单的方法是使用代码段生成器(管道语法链接),从SCM列表中选择checkout: General SCM,然后选择Perforce Software.

You will need to use the full checkout DSL, the p4sync DSL is only basic. The easiest way is to use the snippet generator (Pipeline Syntax link), select checkout: General SCM then Perforce Software from the SCM list.


You will then be able to define a detailed View. For example:

  $class: 'PerforceScm', 
  credential: 'phooey1666', 
  populate: [
    $class: 'AutoCleanImpl', 
    delete: true, 
    modtime: false, 
    pin: '', 
    quiet: true, 
    replace: true
  workspace: [
    $class: 'ManualWorkspaceImpl', 
    charset: 'none', 
    name: 'jenkins-${NODE_NAME}-${JOB_NAME}', 
    pinHost: false, 
    spec: [
      allwrite: true, 
      clobber: false, 
      compress: false, 
      line: 'LOCAL', 
      locked: false, 
      modtime: false, 
      rmdir: false, 
      streamName: '',
      view: '''
        //depot/... //jenkins-${NODE_NAME}-${JOB_NAME}/...
        -//depot/tests/... //jenkins-${NODE_NAME}-${JOB_NAME}/tests/...'''


10-25 08:44