Im currently in a CS course and we've just started working with ARM Assembly on the Raspberry Pi. It's proving to be decently difficult and was wondering if anyone could help. My current assignment is to take a string from stdin (Using scanf) and count the number of characters in it, then return that number (So basically implement my own strlen). I have the basic idea down with this code:
.section .rodata
.ascii "Enter a word: \000"
.ascii "%s\000"
.ascii "Word length is %d characters.\n\000"
.section .data
.align 2
.comm word,4,4
addrword: .word word
addrPromptWord: .word promptWord
addrReadWord: .word readWord
addrPrintLength: .word printLength
.global main
/* s: r0 */
stmfd sp!, {fp, lr} /* Save pc, lr, r4*/
ldr r0, addrPromptWord
bl printf
ldr r0, addrReadWord
ldr r1, addrword
bl scanf
ldr r0, addrword
ldr r0, [r0]
mov r1, #0
ldrb r2,[r0] /* r2 <- *a */
mov r3,#0
cmp r2,r3
beq endskip /* if (*a == 0) jump endskip */
mov r3,#1
add r0,r0,r3 /* a++ */
add r1, r1, r3 /* len++ */
bal skip /* go to skip */
mov r0, r1 /* Return len */
ldmfd sp!, {fp, pc}
我假设的问题是,因为code的.data段部分(我假设)的心不是对准一个字符串的正确方法。任何帮助深表AP preciated。谢谢!
I'm assuming that the issue is with the .data section part of the code since (I'm assuming) that isnt the proper way to align a string. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
Why not write a C program do the same thing, and run
gcc -S file.c
That you will see how the compiler deal with it in file.s(assembly code generated by gcc).Even if you do not understand some lines in file.s, it would lead you to the right place of arm assembly manual.
This is not directly answer of your question. But sad I can not comment your post, otherwise I would do that.