


What I'd like to do is display the description from the currently selected field in a label on my form. I feel that where it is currently being displayed (the bottom left status bar) is barely noticeable.


How do I access that value in the status bar? For example, on my form, when I have a say, employee name field selected, in the bottom left in small print, it displays "The name of the employee you are registering."


I know in some event on my form, I need code that does

 me.lblControlDescription.Caption = me.statusbar.caption


How do I access the text in the status bar (the field description) in VBA?



The text in the status bar is the current field's Description property.


From VBA, you can access the Description of a field in the form's recordset.

Debug.Print Me.Recordset.fields("id").Properties("Description")


So, if you have a label control named lblDescription, you can set its .Caption value to the field's Description.

Me.lblDescription.Caption = Me.Recordset.fields("id").Properties("Description")

但是,这可能更加复杂. Description是用户创建的属性,这意味着它只有在您赋予它一个值后才存在.而且,如果您有一套,但是以后又删除了它的值,那么该属性本身将不再存在.

However, this could be more complicated. Description is a user-created property, which means that it doesn't exist until you give it a value. And, if you have one set, but delete its value later, the property itself no longer exists.


If you attempt to retrieve the Description when one doesn't exist, VBA will throw error #3270, "Property not found." You could trap that error, and set Me.lblDescription.Caption to vbNullString when it happens.

您还需要一种策略,用于何时更改Me.lblDescription.Caption.您可以创建一个过程以根据当前活动控件进行设置.然后从窗体的每个控件的on focus事件中调用该过程.也许有更好的方法,但是我暂时还没有看到.

You also need a strategy for when to change Me.lblDescription.Caption. You could create a procedure to set it based on the current active control. Then call that procedure from the on focus event of each of your form's controls. There may be a better approach for this, but I'm not seeing one just now.


10-24 19:55