本文介绍了JPA:applicationManaged EntityManager for Java SE以编程方式控制事务生命周期的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在我以前使用事务性应用程序的方法中,我很难找到一个很好的解决方案来支持此功能。 ,我将工作单元分组到后端中的服务方法中,并使用spring的@Transactional对其进行注释。




  1. 启动交易

  2. 调用methodServiceA +调用methodServiceB

  3. 提交交易


  1. 开始交易

  2. call methodServiceB + call methodServiceC

  3. 提交交易


$ b

  1. 开始交易

  2. 调用methodServiceA +调用methodServiceB +调用methodServiceC

  3. 提交事务




  1. 创建一个实体管理器,并将其与一个唯一的ID关联起来

  2. 开始从

  3. 设置超时

  4. 自动从em

  5. 如果有任何异常,则回滚事务

  6. 将事务的实体管理器提供给服务方法,以便它们使用相同的实体管理器

  7. 最后在提交或回滚之后关闭实体管理器

$ b

  1. ui使用该工具启动事务,并获取entitymanager id

  2. 传递entitymanager id w hile调用methodServiceA +调用methodServiceB,因此这些方法可以使用与id关联的正确实体管理器。

  3. 提交事务





另外,使用facade模式意味着facade方法中没有ui逻辑。在我们的例子中,ui逻辑可以与事务处理一起完成,并调用前端的服务方法。 可以尝试使用 - UI发送一系列命令,并且后端在其中执行它们一个单一的交易。

或者,看看 - 这与您提出的方法类似,但在这种情况下,步骤不会共享相同的事务。或许你的想法与你的情况有关。

I'm having difficulties finding a good solution to support this feature where the UI can start and commit the transaction.

In my previous approaches in working with transactional applications, i group the unit of work into a service method in the backend, and annotate it with spring's @Transactional.

But imagine that i have several service methods like this, and it's up to the frontend to group the service method calls within a transaction.

For example, i have methodServiceA, methodServiceB, methodServiceC.The UI could do something like this with any combinations like :

Combination 1 :

  1. starts the transaction
  2. call methodServiceA + call methodServiceB
  3. commits the transaction

Combination 2 :

  1. starts the transaction
  2. call methodServiceB + call methodServiceC
  3. commits the transaction

Combination 3 :

  1. starts the transaction
  2. call methodServiceA + call methodServiceB + call methodServiceC
  3. commits the transaction

Basically, the backend provides only the services method, and it's up to the UI or other applications that make use of the backend to start / commit the transaction.

So that is basically the situation i'm dealing with .. and here's the thing i have in mind. Please share some other options or perhaps improvements i could make to support this feature. Im currently thinking of using the application managed entitymanager, since i dont think using the @Transactional would work in this case.

Im thinking of an object that the UI or other connectors could use to :

  1. create an entity manager and associates it with a unique id
  2. start the transaction from the em
  3. set the timeout from the em
  4. commit the transaction from the em
  5. automatically rollback the transaction if there're any exceptions from the em
  6. feeds the transaction's entity manager to the service methods, so that they use the same entity manager
  7. finally closes the entity manager after commit or rollback from the em

So, for the example for Combination 1, the flow is something like this :

  1. ui starts the transaction using the tool, and get the entitymanager id
  2. pass the entitymanager id while calling methodServiceA + calling methodServiceB, so those methods could use the correct entity manager which is associated with the id
  3. commits the transaction

Please share your ideas on this matter, Thank you !

Concerning the facade / command pattern :

Thanks for the idea. But i've thought about this also, and i dont think it's suitable for our needs since i cant always provide the facade service in the backend for every needs(imagine every ui buttons that can combine any method services that they want) that arise.

The basic idea is to have public service methods that other frontend applications could wire together.

And also, using the facade pattern means no ui logic in the facade method. In our case, the ui logic can be done along with the transaction handling and calling the service methods in the frontend.


You can try to use a Command pattern - UI sends a sequence of commands, and your backend executes them in a single transaction.

Alternatively, take a look at the concept of extended persistence context - it's something similar to your proposed approach, though in that case steps don't share the same transaction. Perhaps some thoughts regarding it would be relevant in your case.

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10-24 18:22