本文介绍了在iPad上播放playVideo()命令后,YouTube iFrame API会挂起缓冲状态的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在iPad上的iFrame API有问题(iOS 7,Safari浏览器)。当我尝试使用'player.playVideo()'命令启动视频时,当我调用'player.getPlayerState()'命令(说它正在缓冲)时,播放器变为黑色并返回'3'状态。

I have a problem with the iFrame API on the iPad (iOS 7, Safari browser). When I try to start the video with the 'player.playVideo()' command, the player goes to black and returns a '3'-state when I call 'player.getPlayerState()' command (says it's buffering).

点击大红色YouTube按钮有效,但使用'playVideo()'命令却没有。这可以在Google自己的YouTube API演示页面上重现:

Hitting the big red YouTube button works, but using the 'playVideo()' command does not. This can be reproduced on Google's own YouTube API demo page: https://developers.google.com/youtube/youtube_player_demo

确保显示iFrame,然后点击播放器下方的蓝色播放按钮。在桌面浏览器上,这可以正常工作,但在iOS7 iPad上失败。

Make sure you display an iFrame, and hit the blue 'Play' button below the player. On desktop browsers, this works fine, but fails on an iOS7 iPad.


I need the 'playVideo()' command to control a chromeless player (no controls). Any ideas?


尝试自动播放功能,如果按下大红色按钮不是强制性的,我通过添加 event.target.playVideo(); 到嵌入式HTML正文中的onReady函数。我的播放器显示大红色按钮并立即启动。我在GitHub 上使用了最新的ios helper availble 。谷歌开发者网站上也提到了

Try the autoplay feature if hitting the big red button is not a compulsion, i have done so by adding "event.target.playVideo();" to the onReady function in the embeded HTML body. My player shows the big red button and starts itself immediately. I have used the latest ios helper availble on GitHub youtube-ios-player-helper. It is also mentioned on the google developers site Using the YouTube Helper Library to embed YouTube videos in your iOS application

这篇关于在iPad上播放playVideo()命令后,YouTube iFrame API会挂起缓冲状态的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-24 03:03