


place  | key        | weights
amazon | lion       | [ 34, 23, 56 ]
north  | bear       | [ 90, 45]
amazon | lion       | [ 38, 30, 50 ]
amazon | bear       | [ 45 ]
amazon | bear       | [ 40 ]


place  | key        | average
amazon | lion1      | 36.0      #(34 + 38)/2
amazon | lion2      | 26.5      #(23 + 30)/2
amazon | lion3      | 53.0      #(50 + 56)/2
north  | bear1      | 90        #(90)/1
north  | bear2      | 45        #(45)/1
amazon | bear1      | 42.5      #(45 + 40)/2

我明白,首先我必须对列placekey进行分组,然后必须对基于索引的数组元素取平均值.例如lion1是数组[ 34, 23, 56 ][ 38, 30, 50 ]中的第一索引元素.

I get the point that first I have to do a groupby on columns place and key, and then I have to take average on array elements based on indexes.For example lion1 is 1st index element in arrays [ 34, 23, 56 ] and [ 38, 30, 50 ].


I already has a solution using posexplode, but the problem is in real data weights array column size is very high, as posexplode adds more rows, data size has increased enormously from 10 million rows to 1.2 billion and unable to compute in a reliable time on present cluster.

我认为添加多于行的列然后取消透视列会更好,但是我不知道如何使用pyspark或spark SQL 2.2.1实现这一点.

I think it is better to add more columns than rows and then unpivot the columns, but I have no idea how to achieve that using pyspark or spark SQL 2.2.1 .


您可以通过 functions.size(),然后展开该列:

You can find max number of elements in an array column by functions.size() and then expand that column:

  1. 设置数据

  1. setup the data

from pyspark.sql import functions as F

df = spark.createDataFrame([    
      ('amazon', 'lion', [ 34, 23, 56 ])
    , ('north',  'bear', [ 90, 45])
    , ('amazon', 'lion', [ 38, 30, 50 ])
    , ('amazon', 'bear', [ 45 ])    
    , ('amazon', 'bear', [ 40 ])
], ['place', 'key', 'average'])

  • 在数组字段平均值"中查找元素的最大数量

  • Find the max number of elements in the array field 'average'

    n = df.select(F.max(F.size('average')).alias('n')).first().n
    >>> n

  • 将数组列转换为n列

  • Convert array column into n-columns

    df1 = df.select('place', 'key', *[F.col('average')[i].alias('val_{}'.format(i+1)) for i in range(n)])
    >>> df1.show()
    | place| key|val_1|val_2|val_3|
    |amazon|lion|   34|   23|   56|
    | north|bear|   90|   45| null|
    |amazon|lion|   38|   30|   50|
    |amazon|bear|   45| null| null|
    |amazon|bear|   40| null| null|

  • 计算新列上的均值聚合

  • Calculate the mean aggregation on the new columns

    df2 = df1.groupby('place', 'key').agg(*[ F.mean('val_{}'.format(i+1)).alias('average_{}'.format(i+1)) for i in range(n)])
    >>> df2.show()
    | place| key|average_1|average_2|average_3|
    |amazon|bear|     42.5|     null|     null|
    | north|bear|     90.0|     45.0|     null|
    |amazon|lion|     36.0|     26.5|     53.0|

  • 使用select + union + reduce取消旋转列

  • Unpivot the columns using select + union + reduce

    from functools import reduce
    df_new = reduce(lambda x,y: x.union(y), [
        df2.select('place', F.concat('key', F.lit(i+1)).alias('key'), F.col('average_{}'.format(i+1)).alias('average')) \
           .dropna(subset=['average']) for i in range(n)
    >>> df_new.show()
    | place|  key|average|
    |amazon|bear1|   42.5|
    | north|bear1|   90.0|
    |amazon|lion1|   36.0|
    | north|bear2|   45.0|
    |amazon|lion2|   26.5|
    |amazon|lion3|   53.0|

  • 这篇关于如何基于pyspark中的索引查找数组列的平均值的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

    10-23 20:08