

我正在开发一个Web应用程序,它的行为非常类似于iOS和Android的本机应用程序。然而,Javascript文件(jQuery +我自己的)和css文件一起用于移动使用,如果用户没有启用3G,这会使应用程序加载缓慢。

I'm working on a web application, which acts pretty much like a native application for both iOS and Android. However the Javascript files (jQuery + my own) and the css file together are pretty large for mobile use, which make the app slow to load if the user doesn't have 3G enabled.


I therefore started to think about storing these files offline. However aside from the cache.manifest (which in my knowledge only kicks in when there is no internet connection to enable offline use) I have found no way to this. What I ideally would like to have is to check if the files are already cached/stored and if not, use them and then store them for the next time.


Is this possible? This would reduce the time to load my app a lot as the index file itself is very small. I'm still working on slimming down the files by optimizing but this would help a lot in the meantime.


Just to provide a bit more detail, sorry if I was unclear before.


I've started building this webapp using the HTML5 boilerplate, and my .htaccess file has all JS and CSS file headers with an expiration date of 1 year.

但似乎从iOS主屏幕打开应用程序会加载.js和.css每次都有文件,就像没有缓存它们的情况一样。在桌面或甚至iOS Safari Web浏览器上打开网站似乎确实以正确的方式缓存文件,因为Javascript和CSS中的更改仅在手动刷新页面后显示。

But it seems that opening the app from the iOS Home Screen loads the .js and .css files each time, as was the case for when they are not cached. Opening the website on a desktop or even the iOS Safari web browser does seem to cache the files the right way, as changes in the Javascript and CSS are only displayed after manually refreshing the page.


It seems like opening and closing and opening the web-app from the home screen is acting as a refresh, therefore loading the files each time, even though they are stored through a cache.manifest for offline use, and the files' expiration dates are set far into the future.


Thought I'd include cache headers for the files. These seem to be alright.

Cache-Control max-age = 31536000,public

Expires Fri,18 May 2012 17:34:20 GMT


内容编码gzip保持活动超时= 2,最大= 98

Cache-Control max-age=31536000, public
Expires Fri, 18 May 2012 17:34:20 GMT
Vary Accept-Encoding,User-Agent
Content-Encoding gzip Keep-Alive timeout=2, max=98




10-23 18:37