

我有这真的,真的很奇怪的错误,我从来没有能够牵制(这很少发生)。基本上,我有一个C#应用程序随机在退出抛出未知异常。我已经成功地抓住它在调试器这一次,它原来是叫 Application.Exit()是扔 System.InvalidOperationException 以下消息:

I've got this really, really weird error that I've never been able to pin down (it happens very rarely). Basically, I have a C# application that was randomly throwing an unknown exception on exit. I've managed to catch it in the debugger this time, and it turns out that calling Application.Exit() is throwing a System.InvalidOperationException with the following message:



Additional information: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.


I'm not sure what this collection that has been allegedly modified is, or who it was that modified it.


The stack trace isn't very helpful:

mscorlib.dll中!System.Collections.ArrayList.ArrayListEnumeratorSimple.MoveNext()  + 0x13f字节System.Windows.Forms.dll的!System.Windows.Forms.Application.ExitInternal()  + 0x112字节System.Windows.Forms.dll的!System.Windows.Forms.Application.Exit(System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs  E)+ 0x65字节


Any idea how I can find out which ArrayList it is that has been modified? I don't think it's anything I'm doing explicitly, more likely an action I'm doing that's modifying the underlying state of the .NET framework during the middle of an operation that MS wasn't expecting..



Unusual, never seen this before. The Application.ExitInternal() method iterates the Application.OpenForms collection. Clearly this collection is getting modified while it is doing so. There are few possible causes for this, I can only come up with one. One of your forms has overridden the OnFormClosing() method or subscribed the FormClosing event. And is doing something that modifies the OpenForms collection. Could be disposing the form object or creating a new form instance or modifying a form property that causes the window to be re-created, like ShowInTaskbar.

您不会找到调用堆栈这个code回来。检查在[/的FormClosing code。评论code,如果你不能找到它快。

You won't find this code back in the call stack. Review your On/FormClosing code. Comment code out if you can't find it quickly.


10-23 16:51