


In VBScript, I want to get a list of files in a folder ordered by creation date. I saw that in order to do that I will need to either use a record set (seems like an overkill to me) or sort the collection myself (I think I can avoid it and I want my code to be shorter).

由于我是创建文件的人,因此我创建的文件名以日期(yyyy_mm_dd)开头,因此我可以确保至少可以按名称排序文件.不幸的是, FileSystemObject中文件集合的MSDN文档没有说明集合的顺序.有人知道其他秘密文件或类似的东西可能更具体吗?

Since I am the one creating the files, I create them with names that begin with the date (yyyy_mm_dd) so I though that if I can get the files at least ordered by name then I'm all set. Unfortunately, the MSDN documentation of the Files collection from FileSystemObject doesn't say anything about the order of the collection. Does anyone know of some other secret documentation or something like that that can be more specific?


如果要按特定顺序获取文件夹中的文件,则必须自己完成.如果您不喜欢ADO记录集或不使用可排序的.NET集合,则可以将(.Run,​​.Exec)换壳并处理dir /A:-D /B /O:D /T:C的输出(无文件夹,裸格式(无标题/摘要),顺序:日期,时间字段:创建).

If you want to get the files in a folder in a specific order, you'll have to do it yourself. If you don't like the ADO recordset or using a sortable .NET collection, you can shell out (.Run, .Exec) and process the output of dir /A:-D /B /O:D /T:C (no folders, bare format (no header/summary), order:date, timefield:creation).



While I surely can show examples where the .Files collection delivered its elements ordered by name, Mr. Gates explicitly says:


Minimalistic demo code that shows: You need a shell (%comspec%) if you want to use shell features - like intrinsic commands:

Option Explicit

Dim goFS  : Set goFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim goWS  : Set goWS = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim csDir : csDir = "c:\temp"

WScript.Quit demoSF()

Function demoSF()
  demoSF = 0
  Dim aDSOrd : aDSOrd = getDSOrd(csDir, "%comspec% /c dir /A:-D /B /O:D /T:C """ & csDir & """")
  Dim oFile
  For Each oFile In aDSOrd
      WScript.Echo oFile.DateCreated, oFile.Name
End Function ' demoSF

Function getDSOrd(sDir, sCmd)
  Dim dicTmp : Set dicTmp = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  Dim oExec  : Set oExec  = goWS.Exec(sCmd)
  Do Until oExec.Stdout.AtEndOfStream
     dicTmp(goFS.GetFile(goFS.BuildPath(sDir, oExec.Stdout.ReadLine()))) = Empty
  If Not oExec.Stderr.AtEndOfStream Then
     WScript.Echo "Error:", oExec.Stderr.ReadAll()
  End If
  getDSOrd = dicTmp.Keys()
End Function


cscript 16895525.vbs
07.10.1998 15:31:34 TlbInf32.chm
09.10.2008 22:40:29 sqlce.sql
09.10.2008 22:40:29 gltsqlcopytest.sdf
05.11.2008 20:11:39 Vorfuehrung.class
28.03.2011 20:23:36 Program.cs
01.10.2012 10:10:10 KyXHDe.chm


10-23 02:13