


I'm building an app which receives a number of listings from a web API, and allows the user to save some for offline viewing. My usual approach would be:

  1. 从API获取数据,并为每个数据创建一个新的Listing对象

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但是这是一个Core Data应用程序,所以上下文是什么得到保存,而不是对象。在这种情况下,上面的代码将变成这样:

But this is a Core Data app, so the context is what gets saved, not the object. Under those circumstances, the above would become something like this:

  1. 从API获取数据,并为每个数据创建一个非托管的Listing对象

  2. 如果用户选择将对象移动到托管上下文中,则保存上下文

有一个非托管和托管版本的Listing对象的方法是有两个类,例如ManagedListing和UnmanagedListing - 但这是一个可怕的重复的做法。

One approach to having an unmanaged and a managed version of Listing objects would be to have two classes, e.g. ManagedListing and UnmanagedListing - but that's a horribly repetitive way of doing it.


What I'd like is to make Listing a subclass of NSManagedObject; initialise a bunch of them without an NSManagedObjectContext; then when I want to save one, I either set its context or I copy its attributes to a new Listing inside a context.


Can I make instances of an NSManagedObject in no particular NSManagedObjectContext? If so, how?


使用两个永久存储,一个在内存中,一个在磁盘上。如果用户想保存,使用 assignObject:toPersistentStore:将对象移动到其他存储。

Use two persistent stores, one in memory and one on disk. If the user wants to save, move the object to the other store using assignObject:toPersistentStore:.


10-23 01:11