

我将Firestore与Android SDK(11.6.2)结合使用,并且在设备离线并重新连接到Internet时遇到异常.

I'm using Firestore with the Android SDK (11.6.2) and I'm hitting an exception when my device was offline and reconnects to the Internet.


When requesting a document, firestore fails with the following task exception :


However, the device is connected, I can make network requests beside using Firestore and they succeed.This error is not consistent, sometimes the request will succeed right after reconnecting to the Internet. Sometimes, the request fails again and again, then succeeds, sometimes more than one minute after the device has been reconnected to the Internet.


Here is a sample request that produces the exception:

val docRef = firestore.collection("foo").document("bar")
docRef.get().addOnCompleteListener { task ->
    if (task.isSuccessful) {
        Log.d("FirestoreSourceSet", "Get document success")
    } else {
        Log.e("FirestoreSourceSet", "Get document error", task.exception)

我没有使用Firestore的脱机功能,因此FirebaseFirestore实例在第一次使用 setPersistenceEnabled(false)标志初始化:

I'm not using the offline capabilities of Firestore, thus the FirebaseFirestore instance is initialized the first time with the setPersistenceEnabled(false) flag:

val firestoreSettings = FirebaseFirestoreSettings.Builder()

val firestore = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance().apply {
    this.firestoreSettings = firestoreSettings


Why is Firestore returning this error even though the device is online? Am I missing something in the Firestore configuration that would avoid this error?


I tried upgrading Firebase to the 11.8.0 version, but I encounter the same behavior.


These are the logs while trying to fetch sync some data with Firestore (which begins with a document fetch) after leaving airplane mode: https://pastebin.com/xDMG2Pzj

在我第一次等待Wifi解决之前,网络在第一个Firestore调用之前已经可用,并使用 ConnectivityManager (在继续使用Firestore之前).

The network is already available before the first Firestore call, as I waited for the Wifi to settle, and check it using the ConnectivityManager of Android before proceeding with Firestore.


The multiple calls are because I manually retry using a button each time I get the error until the document is successfully retrieved.


The first line of the log is when I turn the airplane mode one, which closes the stream of Firestore.


Firebase doesn't have a public tracker, but I reported the issue using their report tool, and made a repo that reproduces the issue.


They acknowledged the issue but could not provide an ETA, so we have to wait:

从firestore-core 17.0.4开始,这仍然是一个问题

This is still an issue as of firestore-core 17.0.4


此问题已由Cloud Firestore的17.1.5版修复.

This issue was fixed by the release 17.1.5 of Cloud Firestore.

请参阅官方变更日志 https://firebase.google.com/support/release-notes/android


Using my reproduction project with the version 18.0.0, the issue is indeed not present.


10-22 19:30