I am trying to write a function that allows me to find multiple first occurences of an event in a given year. Events happen to different firms at different moments in time. So an event might happen for the first time in 1980 to firm c and afterwards in 1981 to firm b. In that case, all i need to find is firm c_1980 and the associated value in the matrix.
If however, an event does NOT happen UNTIL it happens to firm a in 1986 and to firm e in 1986 as well, then I need to find as outcome both a_1986 and e_1986 with their respective values in the matrix.
我的(2500 * 800)矩阵在垂直轴上有2500个不同的事件,在水平轴上有800个不同的year_firm组合.所有值都在0到10之间(在实数矩阵中,在0到2之间的示例中),绝大多数是零.
My (2500 * 800) matrix has 2500 different events on the vertical axis and 800 different year_firm combinations on the horizontal one. All values are between 0 and 10 (in the real matrix, in the example between 0 and 2) with the vast majority being zeros.
av[1:7,]=0 ; av[9,3:14]=0
colnames(av)<-paste(c("a","b","c","d","e"),rep(1980:1987, each=5),sep="_")
The main formula I have been using gives the positions in the matrix of the first occurence:
这样可以很好地找到第一个匹配项.但是,如数据所示,有时是同一年中多次发生(例如,第a行,b,d和e行发生在1980年的第8行中的事件->鉴于这是第8行成为第一个不发生的年份) -zero我需要找到4个不同的值作为输出).
This works fine to find the first occurence. However, as the data show, sometimes that are multiple occurences in the same year (e.g. event in row 8 occurs in 1980 for firms a, b, d, and e -> given that this is the first year in which row 8 becomes non-zero I would need to find 4 different values as output).
My code so far is basically a patch-all solution
Using avdum1 and avdum2 as well as the original row and column names I can then devise a matrix that gives me the first occurence in the original matrix, together with the exact value of the first occurence (1 or 2) as well as the firm-year combination
So far so good.Now, to find other first occurences in the same year, what I do is
This places the original first occurences at zero and then I run through the entire process again, to then expand the firsttime matrix, split up the column names in years and firm names a,b,c,d,e, compare the years and see whether the second first occurence happened in the same year. If it did, I have to rerun the entire process a third time and so on (my real dataset has 40 firms).
This becomes pretty cumbersome so I'm wondering if there is a smarter way to do it? Maybe a localized search once a positive event has been spotted based on the relative position of that event in the matrix?
(if you copy the example data you can ignore the initial warning when producing the matrix)
for rows 1 to 7 , the result would be b_1984 with value 1for row 8, the result should be a_1980 with 1, b_1980 with 2, d_1980 with 1 and e_1980 with 2for row 9, a_1980 with 2for row 10, b_1980 with 1, c_1980 with 2, and e_1980 with 1
Hopefully this clarifies some of the previous questions/comments
Any suggestions would be very welcome!
I gave it a shot, although I followed a bit different path than yours. Perhaps, there could be a way to manipulate your data as is to give the result (and maybe, even, fast) but I preferred to use a "long" format instead. A long format can, also, be fastly manipulated with packages like "data.table" and "dplyr".
Firstly, I transformed your av
to a long format of the following format:
#turn to long format
long_DF = as.data.frame(as.table(av), responseName = "value")
#tidy up
tmp = do.call(rbind.data.frame, strsplit(as.character(long_DF[[2]]), "_"))
long_DF$firm = tmp[, 1] ; long_DF$year = tmp[, 2]
long_DF$event = long_DF[[1]] ; long_DF = long_DF[-(1:2)]
long_DF[c(1,4,5,8,15,16,20), ]
# value firm year event
#1 0 a 1980 X1
#4 0 a 1980 X4
#5 0 a 1980 X5
#8 1 a 1980 X8
#15 0 b 1980 X5
#16 0 b 1980 X6
#20 1 b 1980 X10
From here on, I guess there would be many different and more efficient approaches, but I could -only- come up with the following:
#3D array
res = xtabs(value ~ firm + year + event, long_DF)
res[, , 3, drop = F]
#, , event = X3
# year
#firm 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987
# a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
# b 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
# c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
# d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
# e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
For each 3rd dimension you could search for 1)which values ([row, column]) are above 0 and 2) which of them are in the minimum column available (i.e. the event occured in an earlier year). An implementation of this could be the following function:
#function to apply to each 3rd dimension
f1 = function(x) {
wh = which(x > 0, arr.ind = T)
wh2 = which(wh[, "col"] == min(wh[, "col"]))
wh3 = wh[wh2, , drop = F]
cbind.data.frame(firm = rownames(x)[wh3[, 1]],
year = colnames(x)[wh3[, 2]],
val = x[wh3])
And apply the function to each 3rd dimension; i.e. to each event:
ret = apply(res, 3, f1)
ans = cbind.data.frame(event = rep(names(ret), lapply(ret, nrow)),
do.call(rbind.data.frame, apply(res, 3, f1)))
# event firm year val
#X1 X1 b 1984 1
#X2 X2 b 1984 1
#X3 X3 b 1984 1
#X4 X4 b 1984 1
#X5 X5 b 1984 1
#X6 X6 b 1984 1
#X7 X7 b 1984 1
#X8.1 X8 a 1980 1
#X8.2 X8 b 1980 2
#X8.3 X8 d 1980 1
#X8.4 X8 e 1980 2
#X9 X9 a 1980 2
#X10.1 X10 b 1980 1
#X10.2 X10 c 1980 2
#X10.3 X10 e 1980 1