

我要寻找一个执行清除算法获取的的 N 的首要因子在任一蟒蛇,伪code或别的也可读。有几个要求/事实:

  • N 的为1至〜20位数字
  • 没有pre计算的查找表,记忆化是好的,但。
  • 不需要用数学证明(如可以依靠,如果需要的哥德巴赫猜想)
  • 不需要是precise,允许是概率性/确定性,如果需要


我试图从维基百科和其他算法,但要么我不明白他们(ECM),或者我不能创建的算法(波拉德 - 布伦特)工作实施

我在波拉德 - 布伦特算法很感兴趣,所以任何详细信息/它的实现将是非常好的。



附近有一座小我创建了一个pretty的快速黄金/分解模块搞乱之后。它结合了优化的审判庭算法,波拉德 - 布伦特算法,米勒 - 拉宾检验并以最快的primesieve我发现在互联网上。 GCD是一个普通的欧几里得的GCD实现(二进制欧几里德的GCD是慢然后定期的)。



  • 找到我的模块中的optimalization或缺陷。
  • 在提供替代/更好的算法/实现。




    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2068372/fastest-way-to-list-all-primes-below-n-in-python/3035188#3035188
    #输入N> = 6,返回的素数,第2版的列表; = P&其中; N
    修正= N%6' 1
    N = {0:N,1:N-1,2:N + 4,3:N + 3,4:N + 2,5:N + 1} [N%6]
    筛= [真] *(N // 3)
    筛[0] = FALSE
    因为我在范围内(INT(N ** .5)// 3 + 1):
            K =(3 * I + 1)| 1
            筛[K * K // 3 :: 2 * K] = [假] *((N // 6  - (K * k)的// 6  -  1)// K + 1)
            筛[(K * K + 4 * K  -  2 * K *(我%2))// 3:2 * K] = [虚假] *((N // 6  - (K * K + 4 * K -  2 * K *(ⅰ%2))// 6  -  1)// K + 1)
    返回[2,3] + [(3 * I + 1)| 1对于i在范围(1,N- // 3  - 校正)如果筛[Ⅰ]]

smallprimeset =集(primesbelow(100000))
_smallprimeset = 100000
高清isprime(N,precision = 7):
    如果n< 1:
    ELIF N'LT; = 3:
        返回N'GT; = 2
    ELIF N%2 == 0:
    ELIF N'LT; _smallprimeset:

    D = N  -  1
    S = 0
    而D%2 == 0:
        ð// = 2
        S + 1 =

        一个= random.randrange(2,N  -  2)
        X = POW(A,D,N)

        如果x == 1或x == N  -  1:继续

        当r在范围(S  -  1):
            X =战俘(X,2,N)
            如果x == 1:返回False
            如果x == N  -  1:突破


    如果n%2 == 0:返回2
    如果n%3 == 0:返回3

    Y,C,M = random.randint(1,N-1),random.randint(1,N-1),random.randint(1,N-1)
    克,R,Q = 1,1,1
    一边将== 1:
        X = Y
            Y =(POW(Y,2,N)+ C)%N

        K = 0
        而K< r和克== 1:
            YS = Y
                Y =(POW(Y,2,N)+ C)%N
                Q = Q * ABS(X-Y)%N
            G = GCD(Q,N)
            第k + = M
        R * = 2
    如果g = = N:
            YS =(POW(YS,2,N)+ C)%N
            G = GCD(ABS(X  -  YS),N)
            如果G> 1:


smallprimes = primesbelow(1000)#似乎较低,但1000 * 1000 = 1000000,因此这将充分因素每个复合<百万
高清primefactors(N,排序= FALSE):
    因素= []

        而N%检查== 0:
            ñ// =检查
        如果检查> N:突破

    如果n< 2:收益因素

    而N'GT; 1:
        系数= pollard_brent(N)#审判庭没有完全的因素,切换到波拉德,布伦特
        ñ// =因素



    因素= {}
            因素[P1] + = 1
            因素[P1] = 1

totients = {}
    如果n == 0:返回1

    尝试:返回totients [N]

    TOT = 1
        TOT * =(P  -  1)* P **(EXP  -  1)

    totients [N] = TOT

    如果== B:返回
    而B> 0:A,B = B,A%B

    返回ABS((一个//最大公约数(A,B))* B)




I am looking for an implementation or clear algorithm for getting the prime factorization of N in either python, pseudocode or anything else well-readable. There are a few demands/facts:

  • N is between 1 and ~20 digits
  • No pre-calculated lookup table, memoization is fine though.
  • Need not to be mathematically proven (e.g. could rely on the Goldbach conjecture if needed)
  • Need not to be precise, is allowed to be probabilistic/deterministic if needed

I need a fast prime factorization algorithm, not only for itself, but for usage in many other algorithms like calculating the Euler phi(n).

I have tried other algorithms from Wikipedia and such but either I couldn't understand them (ECM) or I couldn't create a working implementation from the algorithm (Pollard-Brent).

I am really interested in the Pollard-Brent algorithm, so any more information/implementations on it would be really nice.



After messing around a little I have created a pretty fast prime/factorization module. It combines an optimized trial division algorithm, the Pollard-Brent algorithm, a miller-rabin primality test and the fastest primesieve I found on the internet. gcd is a regular Euclid's GCD implementation (binary Euclid's GCD is much slower then the regular one).


Oh joy, a bounty can be acquired! But how can I win it?

  • Find an optimalization or bug in my module.
  • Provide alternative/better algorithms/implementations.

The answer which is the most complete/constructive gets the bounty.

And finally the module itself:

import random

def primesbelow(N):
    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2068372/fastest-way-to-list-all-primes-below-n-in-python/3035188#3035188
    #""" Input N>=6, Returns a list of primes, 2 <= p < N """
    correction = N % 6 > 1
    N = {0:N, 1:N-1, 2:N+4, 3:N+3, 4:N+2, 5:N+1}[N%6]
    sieve = [True] * (N // 3)
    sieve[0] = False
    for i in range(int(N ** .5) // 3 + 1):
        if sieve[i]:
            k = (3 * i + 1) | 1
            sieve[k*k // 3::2*k] = [False] * ((N//6 - (k*k)//6 - 1)//k + 1)
            sieve[(k*k + 4*k - 2*k*(i%2)) // 3::2*k] = [False] * ((N // 6 - (k*k + 4*k - 2*k*(i%2))//6 - 1) // k + 1)
    return [2, 3] + [(3 * i + 1) | 1 for i in range(1, N//3 - correction) if sieve[i]]

smallprimeset = set(primesbelow(100000))
_smallprimeset = 100000
def isprime(n, precision=7):
    # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miller-Rabin_primality_test#Algorithm_and_running_time
    if n < 1:
        raise ValueError("Out of bounds, first argument must be > 0")
    elif n <= 3:
        return n >= 2
    elif n % 2 == 0:
        return False
    elif n < _smallprimeset:
        return n in smallprimeset

    d = n - 1
    s = 0
    while d % 2 == 0:
        d //= 2
        s += 1

    for repeat in range(precision):
        a = random.randrange(2, n - 2)
        x = pow(a, d, n)

        if x == 1 or x == n - 1: continue

        for r in range(s - 1):
            x = pow(x, 2, n)
            if x == 1: return False
            if x == n - 1: break
        else: return False

    return True

# https://comeoncodeon.wordpress.com/2010/09/18/pollard-rho-brent-integer-factorization/
def pollard_brent(n):
    if n % 2 == 0: return 2
    if n % 3 == 0: return 3

    y, c, m = random.randint(1, n-1), random.randint(1, n-1), random.randint(1, n-1)
    g, r, q = 1, 1, 1
    while g == 1:
        x = y
        for i in range(r):
            y = (pow(y, 2, n) + c) % n

        k = 0
        while k < r and g==1:
            ys = y
            for i in range(min(m, r-k)):
                y = (pow(y, 2, n) + c) % n
                q = q * abs(x-y) % n
            g = gcd(q, n)
            k += m
        r *= 2
    if g == n:
        while True:
            ys = (pow(ys, 2, n) + c) % n
            g = gcd(abs(x - ys), n)
            if g > 1:

    return g

smallprimes = primesbelow(1000) # might seem low, but 1000*1000 = 1000000, so this will fully factor every composite < 1000000
def primefactors(n, sort=False):
    factors = []

    for checker in smallprimes:
        while n % checker == 0:
            n //= checker
        if checker > n: break

    if n < 2: return factors

    while n > 1:
        if isprime(n):
        factor = pollard_brent(n) # trial division did not fully factor, switch to pollard-brent
        factors.extend(primefactors(factor)) # recurse to factor the not necessarily prime factor returned by pollard-brent
        n //= factor

    if sort: factors.sort()

    return factors

def factorization(n):
    factors = {}
    for p1 in primefactors(n):
            factors[p1] += 1
        except KeyError:
            factors[p1] = 1
    return factors

totients = {}
def totient(n):
    if n == 0: return 1

    try: return totients[n]
    except KeyError: pass

    tot = 1
    for p, exp in factorization(n).items():
        tot *= (p - 1)  *  p ** (exp - 1)

    totients[n] = tot
    return tot

def gcd(a, b):
    if a == b: return a
    while b > 0: a, b = b, a % b
    return a

def lcm(a, b):
    return abs((a // gcd(a, b)) * b)

Pollard-Brent in implemented in Python:



10-22 15:28