

我已经从Antlr 3升级到Antlr 4.我使用这个代码来捕获异常使用这个代码。但这不适用于Antlr 4.

I have upgraded from Antlr 3 to Antlr 4. I was using this code to catch exceptions using this code. But this is not working for Antlr 4.

partial class XParser
    public override void ReportError(RecognitionException e)
        Console.WriteLine("Error in Parser at line " + ":" + e.OffendingToken.Column + e.OffendingToken.Line + e.Message);


'Parser.ReportError(Antlr4.Runtime.RecognitionException)': no suitable method found to override

在Antlr 4中,在输入流中发生的累积错误的预期方式是什么。我无法找到一种方法来实现这个在网上。请提供一些指导。

In Antlr 4 what is the expected way of accumulating errors that occurs in the input stream. I was unable to find a way to achieve this on the net. Please provide me some guidelines.



I have implemented the XParser as below

partial class XParser : IAntlrErrorListener<IToken>
    public void SyntaxError(IRecognizer recognizer, IToken offendingSymbol, int line, int charPositionInLine, string msg, RecognitionException e)
        Console.WriteLine("Error in parser at line " + ":" + e.OffendingToken.Column + e.OffendingToken.Line + e.Message);


As you said I can extend this parser class using any of the mentioned classes. But I was unable to register this listener, in the main program I am confused with passing argument as the listener. Please help me with the registering.


As I can see these classes has the capability of producing more meaningful error messages don't they?


您需要实施。如果你想要的是报告错误,像你有以上,那么你应该关注 SyntaxError 方法。

  • ConsoleErrorListener
  • BaseErrorListener
  • DiagnosticErrorListener

错误侦听器通过调用 parser.AddErrorListener(listener)


You need to create a new class which implements the error listener interface. You then attach the listener to the parser. The parser itself will not implement the error listener interface.


10-22 13:20