



What does it mean to add a 'member route'?


or do add a route to the collection?


What is a member and a collection when talking about routes?


它们都是在 Rails 中向基于资源的路由添加额外操作的两种方式.

They're both ways to add additional actions to a resource-based route in Rails.

  • 成员路由需要一个 ID,因为它作用于成员.
  • 集合路由不需要 ID,因为它作用于对象集合.

我喜欢从 RESTful URL 的角度来考虑它们.考虑资源/模型的基础知识 Foo

I like to think of them in terms of RESTful URLs. Consider the basics for a resource/model Foo

GET    /foo            # FooController#index
GET    /foo/:id        # FooController#show
GET    /foo/new        # FooController#new
POST   /foo            # FooController#create
GET    /foo/:id/edit   # FooController#edit
PUT    /foo/:id        # FooController#update
DELETE /foo/:id        # FooController#destroy


  • 有些路由有 :id 占位符用于 Foo.id,因此请参考特定 Foo
  • 有些路由没有 :id,因此引用 all Foos(和/或没有特定的 foo,如 #new 和 #create)
  • 某些路由(index/create、show/update/destroy)具有相同的 URL,并使用 HTTP 方法来区分它们
  • 有些路由(编辑/显示)基本相同(方法和 URL 前缀),只是末尾有不同的后缀(包括无后缀").
  • Some routes have :id placeholders for Foo.id, and so refer to a specific Foo
  • Some routes have no :id, and thus refer to all Foos (and/or no specific foo, as in #new and #create)
  • Some routes (index/create, show/update/destroy) have the same URL, and use HTTP methods to differentiate between them
  • Some routes (edit/show) are basically the same (method & URL prefix) except for a different suffix (including "no suffix") at the end.


Member routes and collection routes let you add additional routes/actions using the same techniques as I listed above.

成员路由使用您提供的 URL 后缀和 HTTP 方法向特定实例添加自定义操作.因此,如果您有 :member => 的成员路由声明;{ :bar =>:get }.你会得到一条额外的路线:

A member route adds a custom action to a specific instance using the URL suffix and HTTP method you provide. So, if you had a member route declaration of :member => { :bar => :get }. you'd get an additional route of:

GET    /foo/:id/bar # FooController#bar

注意它是如何以与edit"相同的方式重载 GET/foo/:id 的.这是您实现删除"操作的方式,该操作为销毁"操作提供用户界面.

Note how it overloads GET /foo/:id in the same way that `edit' does. This is how you'd implement a "delete" action that provides a UI for the "destroy" action.

类似地,一个集合路由会向 集合 和/或一个非特定实例添加一个重载(由你来决定它到底意味着什么).所以,如果你声明了 :collection =>{ :baz =>:get },你会得到一条额外的路线:

Similarly, a collection route adds an overload to the collection and/or a non-specific instance (it's up to you to decide exactly what it implies). So, if you declared :collection => { :baz => :get }, you'd get an additional route:

GET    /foo/baz        # FooController#baz

...与 new 非常相似.

...in very much the same way as new.

您还可以自定义 HTTP 方法.

You can also customize the HTTP method.

例如,我最近有一个项目,我需要对 Comment 执行回复"操作.它与 Comment#create(使用 POST)基本相同,只是它引用了特定的父 Comment.所以,我创建了一个成员路由::member =>{:回复=>:post }.这给了我:

For example, I just recently had a project where I needed a "reply" action on a Comment. It's basically the same idea as Comment#create (which uses POST), except that it's in reference to a specific parent Comment. So, I created a member route: :member => { :reply => :post }. This gave me:

POST   /comment/:id/reply   # CommentController#reply

这使路由保持安静,同时仍然扩展了基本的 7 个操作.

This keeps the routes restful while still expanding upon the basic 7 actions.


10-22 03:55