

我是C ++的新手,我似乎无法找出导致这些错误的原因。

I'm new to C++, and I just can't seem to figure out what's causing these errors.


#ifndef TABLE
#define TABLE

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>

typedef struct {
    double successful , unsuccessful[2] ;
} Perform ;

using namespace std ;

template <class DATA>
class Table {

private :
    vector<DATA>* slot;
    vector<bool>* passBits;
    vector<bool>* full;
    int tableSize;

public :
    explicit Table ( unsigned size = 5 ) ;
    ~Table( ) ; //destructor
    void empty ( ) ;
    bool insert ( DATA & data ) ;
    bool insertD ( DATA & data ) ;
    bool fetch ( DATA & data ) const ;
    void print ( ostream & ) const ;
    Perform perform ( ) const ;
} ;

template <class DATA>
ostream & operator << ( ostream & out , const Table<DATA> & table )
    table.print( out ) ;   return out ;

#include "table.cpp"



My table.cpp is as follows:

template <class DATA>
Table<DATA> :: Table ( unsigned size ) // Error


template <class DATA>
Table<DATA> :: ~Table( ) // Error


template <class DATA>
void Table<DATA> :: empty ( ) // Error


template <class DATA>
bool Table<DATA> :: insertD ( DATA & data ) // Error


#include "MyData.hpp"

标记为 //错误的前两行有错误。最后两个有一个期望的初始化之前"令牌错误。

The first two lines marked // Error have the error. The last two have an "expected initializer before ‘<’ token" error.


This is the outline that was given to me. I am not allowed to modify the table.hpp file except for the private fields.




You're compiling a .cpp file that isn't. Put the definitions of your class template's constructors, methods, etc. directly into the class definition, and delete your .cpp file.


For example, compare with this code which is what the compiler sees and shows your first error:

template<class DATA>
Table<DATA>::Table(unsigned size) {}


Notice this code does not define the Table class template before trying to define this ctor, so the compiler is confused about what able is supposed to be in the first place.


You can work around your braindead instructions which prevent fixing the code correctly. First, never compile table.cpp and don't let tools assume they can compile or process it as an implementation file (which many rightly assume). Secondly, include your header (table.hpp?) at the top of table.cpp, since it is unlikely you will catch every occurrence of tools using .cpp as a valid implementation file.


10-21 10:50