由于c ++大量程序员提供了新的工具集,旨在简化代码,提高表达力,提高效率,浏览旧代码并做出调整(有些毫无意义,一些成功)来实现他们的目标。虽然试图不让这么多劳动的时间浪费太多时间,只是做出非侵入性和自我改变,最好的做法是什么?
使用 auto 运行基于迭代器的循环:
for(std :: vector< foo> :: const_iterator it lala.begin()),ite(lala.end()); it!= ite;
++ it);
for(auto it(lala.cbegin()),ite(lala.cend()); it!= ite; ++ it);
使用 tie 代码行()
a = 1;
b = 2;
c = 3;
d = 4;
e = 5;
std :: tie(a,b,c,d,e)= std :: make_tuple(1,2,3,4,5);
转换琐碎函数只是为了将单个STL算法执行到 lambda 函数中(除了减少代码,
> -
b -
nullptr 在可能的地方,而不是NULL宏,摆脱的代码,填充指针的容器0的转换为对象类型
std :: vector< foo *> f(23);
for(std :: size_t i(0); i {f [i] = static_cast< foo *> }
std :: vector< foo *> f(23,nullptr);
std :: vector< int> vec;
& vec [0]; //将数据访问为C风格数组
vec.data(); //用上面的新方法
- / strong>(除了避免使用已弃用的异常规范外,您还可获得一些速度优势 @ 00.29.42)
void some_func()noexcept; //更多优化选项
void some_func()throw(); // less optimization options
void some_func(); // less optimization options
vecOfPoints.push_back(Point(x,y,z)); // so '03
vecOfPoints.emplace_back(x,y,z); //未执行复制或移动操作
class A
// finish构造。
A(double data):id_(0),name_(),data_(data){init();}
A(const& copy) data_(copy.data_){init();}
void init()
id_ = getNextID();
name_ = getDefaultName();
int id_;
string name_;
double data_;
使用C ++ 11:
class A
A(double data):data_(data){}
int id_ = getNextID();
string name_ = getDefaultName();
double data_;
Given the new toolset provided by c++ lots of programmers, aiming at code simplification, expressiveness, efficiency, skim through their old code and make tweaks (some pointless, some successful) to achieve their goals. Whilst trying not to loose too much time on such labors and just make non intrusive and self contained changes, what are the best practices?
Let me cross out the obvious :
Use auto to run iterator based loops :
for (std::vector<foo>::const_iterator it(lala.begin()), ite(lala.end()); it != ite; ++it); // becomes for (auto it(lala.cbegin()), ite(lala.cend()); it != ite; ++it);
Use tie for multiple assignments that just produce C-style rows of code ( how to assign multiple values into a struct at once? )
a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; d = 4; e = 5; // becomes std::tie(a, b, c, d, e) = std::make_tuple(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
To make a class non inheritable just declare it as "final" and delete the code that achieved such a behavior http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq/final-classes.html
Use the delete keyword to explicitly hide constructors/destructors instead of declaring them private (eg code to create heap based objects, non copyable objects etc)
Turn trivial functors created just to facillitate the execution of a single STL algorithm into lambda functions (apart from reducing code cluttering you'll have guaranteed inlined calls)
Simplify RAII wrapping of an object by just using a smart pointer
Get rid of bind1st, bind2nd and just use bind
Replace hand written code for type traits (Is_ptr_but_dont_call_for_const_ptrs<> and such :) ) with standard code provided by < type_traits >
Stop including boost headers for functionallity now implented in STL (BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT vs static_assert)
Provide move semantics to classes (although this wouldn't qualify as a dirty/quick/easy change)
Use nullptr where possible instead of the NULL macro and get rid of the code that filled containers of pointers with 0's casted to object type
std::vector<foo*> f(23); for (std::size_t i(0); i < 23; ++i) { f[i] = static_cast<foo*>(0); } // becomes std::vector<foo*> f(23, nullptr);
Clear the vector data accessing syntax
std::vector<int> vec; &vec[0]; // access data as a C-style array vec.data(); // new way of saying the above
Replace throw() with noexcept (apart from avoiding the deprecated exception specifiation you get some speed benefits http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/GoingNative/2013/An-Effective-Cpp11-14-Sampler @ 00.29.42)
void some_func() noexcept; // more optimization options void some_func() throw(); // fewer optimization options void some_func() ; // fewer optimization options
Replace code where you'd push a tempory in a container and hoped that the optimizer would ellide the copy away, with an "emplace" function where available, in order to perfectly forward the argument and construct directly an object into a container without temporary at all.
vecOfPoints.push_back(Point(x,y,z)); // so '03 vecOfPoints.emplace_back(x, y, z); // no copy or move operations performed
The answer by Shafik Yaghmour was rightfully awarded the bounty for having the greatest acceptance by the audience.
The answer by R Sahu was my accepted one, because the combination of features it proposes captures the spirit of refactoring : making code clearer and cleaner and simpler and elegant.
I would add delegating constructors and in-class member initializers to the list.
Simplification By Using Delegating Constructors and In-Class Initialization
With C++03:
class A
// The default constructor as well as the copy constructor need to
// initialize some of the members almost the same and call init() to
// finish construction.
A(double data) : id_(0), name_(), data_(data) {init();}
A(A const& copy) : id_(0), name_(), data_(copy.data_) {init();}
void init()
id_ = getNextID();
name_ = getDefaultName();
int id_;
string name_;
double data_;
With C++11:
class A
// With delegating constructor, the copy constructor can
// reuse this constructor and avoid repetitive code.
// In-line initialization takes care of initializing the members.
A(double data) : data_(data) {}
A(A const& copy) : A(copy.data_) {}
int id_ = getNextID();
string name_ = getDefaultName();
double data_;
这篇关于使用C ++重构的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!