

我有一个每日动物园 (xts),其中包含以下格式的几十年数据:

I have a daily zoo (xts) with a few decades of data in the following format:

1973-10-02 1973-10-03 1973-10-04 1973-10-05 1973-10-06 1973-10-07
     183.9      208.2      153.7       84.8       52.5       35.5

我只想绘制冬季数据(12 月、1 月和 2 月的整个月份).我找到了 xts 的子集,所以我想我可以使用以下方法提取所有十二月:

and I would like to plot just winter data (the full months of December, January and February). I found the subsetting for xts so I thought I could extract all the Decembers using:

x<-apply.yearly(almorol, FUN=last(almorol, "1 month"))

然后对 Jan 和 Feb 执行类似的操作,但出现以下错误:

and then do something similar for Jan and Feb, but I get the following error:

Error in get(as.character(FUN), mode = "function", envir = envir) :
object 'FUN' of mode 'function' was not found

我可以单独使用 apply.yearlylast(almorol, "1 month") 但是当我将它们组合起来时它不起作用.有谁知道对这 3 个月的时间序列进行子集化的方法?感谢您的帮助!

I can use the apply.yearly and last(almorol, "1 month") separately but when I combine them it doesn't work. Does anyone know a way of subsetting those 3 months of the time series? Thanks for helping!



z.winter <- z[months(time(z), TRUE) %in% c("Dec", "Jan", "Feb")]


10-20 00:28