本文介绍了用于传递 y_true 和 y_pred 以外的参数的 Keras 自定义损失函数的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在编写一个 keras 自定义损失函数,其中我想将以下内容传递给该函数:y_true, y_pred(这两个无论如何都会自动传递),模型内部层的权重,以及一个常量.

I am writing a keras custom loss function where in I want to pass to this function the following:y_true, y_pred (these two will be passed automatically anyway), weights of a layer inside the model, and a constant.


def Custom_loss(y_true, y_pred, layer_weights, val = 0.01):
    loss = mse(y_true, y_pred)
    loss += K.sum(val, K.abs(K.sum(K.square(layer_weights), axis=1)))
    return loss

但是上面的实现给了我错误.我怎样才能在 keras 中实现这一点?

But the above implementation gives me error.How can I achieve this in keras ?



我认为您正在寻找 L2 正则化.只需创建一个正则化器并将其添加到层中即可:

New answer

I think you're looking exactly for L2 regularization. Just create a regularizer and add it in the layers:

from keras.regularizers import l2

#in the target layers, Dense, Conv2D, etc.:
layer = Dense(units, ..., kernel_regularizer = l2(some_coefficient)) 

您也可以使用 bias_regularizer.
some_coefficient var 乘以权重的平方值.

You can use bias_regularizer as well.
The some_coefficient var is multiplied by the square value of the weight.

PS:如果代码中的 val 是常量,它应该不会损害您的损失.但是您仍然可以将下面的旧答案用于 val.

PS: if val in your code is constant, it should not harm your loss. But you can still use the old answer below for val.

根据您的需要将 Keras 预期函数(带有两个参数)包装到一个外部函数中:

Wrap the Keras expected function (with two parameters) into an outer function with your needs:

def customLoss(layer_weights, val = 0.01):
    def lossFunction(y_true,y_pred):    
        loss = mse(y_true, y_pred)
        loss += K.sum(val, K.abs(K.sum(K.square(layer_weights), axis=1)))
        return loss

    return lossFunction

model.compile(loss=customLoss(weights,0.03), optimizer =..., metrics = ...)   

注意layer_weights必须直接来自层作为张量",所以你不能使用get_weights(),你必须使用someLayer.kernelsomeLayer.bias.(或者,如果层的可训练参数使用不同的名称,则使用各自的 var 名称).

Notice that layer_weights must come directly from the layer as a "tensor", so you can't use get_weights(), you must go with someLayer.kernel and someLayer.bias. (Or the respective var name in case of layers that use different names for their trainable parameters).


The answer here shows how to deal with that if your external vars are variable with batches: How to define custom cost function that depends on input when using ImageDataGenerator in Keras?

这篇关于用于传递 y_true 和 y_pred 以外的参数的 Keras 自定义损失函数的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-19 17:58