


I want to create a L2 loss function that ignores values (=> pixels) where the label has the value 0. The tensor batch[1] contains the labels while output is a tensor for the net output, both have a shape of (None,300,300,1).

labels_mask = tf.identity(batch[1])
labels_mask[labels_mask > 0] = 1
loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square((output-batch[1])*labels_mask))/tf.reduce_sum(labels_mask)

我当前的代码显示为TypeError: 'Tensor' object does not support item assignment(在第二行).这样做的张量流是什么?我还尝试使用tf.reduce_sum(labels_mask)归一化损失,希望如此.

My current code yields to TypeError: 'Tensor' object does not support item assignment (on the second line). What's the tensorflow-way to do this? I also tried to normalize the loss with tf.reduce_sum(labels_mask), which I hope works like this.



If you wanted to write it that way, you would have to use Tensorflow's scatter method for assignment. Unfortunately, tensorflow doesn't really support boolean indexing either (the new boolean_select makes it possible, but annoying). It would be tricky to write and difficult to read.


  1. labels_mask > 0用作布尔掩码,并使用Tensorflow的最新布尔掩码功能.也许这是更张量流的方式,因为它调用了任意特定的函数.
  2. 投射labels_mask > 0以浮动:tf.cast(labels_mask > 0, tf.float32).然后,您可以在代码的最后一行中以所需的方式使用它.
  1. Use labels_mask > 0 as a boolean mask and use Tensorflow's recent boolean_mask function. Maybe this is the more tensorflow way, because it invokes arbitrarily specific functions.
  2. Cast labels_mask > 0 to float: tf.cast(labels_mask > 0, tf.float32). Then, you can use it the way you wanted to in the final line of your code.


10-19 17:44