本文介绍了Toy R函数,用于通过奇异值分解来求解普通最小二乘的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试使用矩阵的奇异值分解编写用于多元回归分析(y = Xb + e)的函数. yX必须是输入系数和回归系数矢量b,残差矢量e和方差必须作为R2作为输出.到目前为止,这是我目前所拥有的,而我完全被困住了.重量的labels部分也给我一个错误.此labels部分是什么?有人可以给我一些提示来帮助我继续吗?

I'm trying to write a functions for multiple regression analysis (y = Xb + e) using a singular value decomposition for matrices. y and X must be the input and regression coefficients vector b, the residual vector e and variance accounted for R2 as output. Beneath is what I have so far and I'm totally stuck. The labels part of the weight also gives me an error. What is this labels part? Can anybody give me some tips to help me proceed?

Test <- function(X, y) {
  x <- t(A) %*% A
  duv <- svd(x)
  x.inv <- duv$v %*% diag(1/duv$d) %*% t(duv$u)
  x.pseudo.inv <- x.inv %*% t(A)
  w <- x.pseudo.inv %*% labels
  return(b, e, R2)



You are off the road... Singular value decomposition is applied to model matrix X rather than normal matrix X'X. The following is the correct procedure:


So when writing an R function, we should do

svdOLS <- function (X, y) {
  SVD <- svd(X)
  V <- SVD$v
  U <- SVD$u
  D <- SVD$d
  ## regression coefficients `b`
  ## use `crossprod` for `U'y`
  ## use recycling rule for row rescaling of `U'y` by `D` inverse
  ## use `as.numeric` to return vector instead of matrix
  b <- as.numeric(V %*% (crossprod(U, y) / D))
  ## residuals
  r <- as.numeric(y - X %*% b)
  ## R-squared
  RSS <- crossprod(r)[1]
  TSS <- crossprod(y - mean(y))[1]
  R2 <- 1 - RSS / TSS
  ## multiple return via a list
  list(coefficients = b, residuals = r, R2 = R2)


## toy data
x1 <- rnorm(50); x2 <- rnorm(50); x3 <- rnorm(50); y <- rnorm(50)
X <- model.matrix(~ x1 + x2 + x3)

## fitting linear regression: y ~ x1 + x2 + x3
svdfit <- svdOLS(X, y)

#[1]  0.14203754 -0.05699557 -0.01256007  0.09776255
# [1]  1.327108410 -1.400843739 -0.071885339  2.285661880  0.882041795
# [6] -0.535230752 -0.927750996  0.262674650 -0.133878558 -0.559783412
#[11]  0.264204296 -0.581468657  2.436913000  1.517601798  0.774515419
#[16]  0.447774149 -0.578988327  0.664690723 -0.511052627 -1.233302697
#[21]  1.740216739 -1.065592673 -0.332307898 -0.634125164 -0.975142054
#[26]  0.344995480 -1.748393187 -0.414763742 -0.680473508 -1.547232557
#[31] -0.383685601 -0.541602452 -0.827267878  0.894525453  0.359062906
#[36] -0.078656943  0.203938750 -0.813745178 -0.171993018  1.041370294
#[41] -0.114742717  0.034045040  1.888673004 -0.797999080  0.859074345
#[46]  1.664278354 -1.189408794  0.003618466 -0.527764821 -0.517902581
#[1] 0.008276773


On the other hand, we can use .lm.fit to check correctness:

qrfit <- .lm.fit(X, y)


which is exactly the same on coefficients and residuals:

all.equal(svdfit$coefficients, qrfit$coefficients)
# [1] TRUE

all.equal(svdfit$residuals, qrfit$residuals)
# [1] TRUE

这篇关于Toy R函数,用于通过奇异值分解来求解普通最小二乘的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-19 17:17