


I am stuck in a libiconv problem.

环境:Mac OSX Lion/MacBook air

Environment: Mac OSX Lion / MacBook air

问题:我试图为国际管理(intl)安装php扩展.在此过程中,出现了问题.我必须从计算机的实用程序中重新安装MacOSX Lion.

Issue:I tried to install a php extention for international management (intl). During the process, something got wrong. I had to reinstall MacOSX Lion from the utility of the computer.

现在,当我执行几乎任何命令(php -v或make !!)时,都会出现以下错误:

Now and then, I get the following error when I do almost any command (php -v , or make !!):

    dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libiconv.2.dylib
  Referenced from: /opt/local/bin/gawk
  Reason: Incompatible library version: gawk requires version 8.0.0 or later, but libiconv.2.dylib provides version 7.0.0


(this is an example for gawk, same happens with php or some other commands)

我试图再次重新安装Macosx lion,但是得到了相同的输出.

I tried to reinstall Macosx lion again, but I got the same output.


I am not the kind to be scared for so few, so I wanted to recompile libiconv from source and be done with it. installed Xcode (for gcc,..) downloaded the .tar.gz. However, guess what... gawk needs version 8.0.0, and the terminal insults me once again and refuses to create the makefile.

因此,总结起来:我需要libiconv才能重新编译libiconv ...这绝对是我要坚持的地方.

So to sum up: I need libiconv in order to recompile libiconv... That's where I definitely get stuck.

在这一点上,我能想到的唯一解决方案是获取一个编译过的libiconv,它将使我摆脱困境.其他解决方案肯定是转向linux :),但这会浪费macbook的播放空间

The only solution I can think at this point would be to get a compiled libiconv that would get me out of this mess. Other solution is to turn definitely to linux :) but that would waste the macbook air


Any help greatly appreciated, I have been struggling for a day now ! Many thanks in advance;)



NB: I have tried to consider some other stuff about libiconv I could find on stackoverflow and other forums, but it didn't help...




I will answer temporarily (if no better answers pops up). Indeed, I could come around only by asking a friend having the exact same mac to give me the compiled version of the library.


To bad there is no official repository for these compiled libraries, as I have absolutely no idea on how I would have done without it.

如果您有更好的建议,请不要犹豫.我等待结束该主题之前,因为我认为它无法正确解决.此外,完成此操作后,我得到libncurses.5.dylib的相同的pb ...

If you have better suggestions, do not hesitate. I wait before closing the subject, as I do not consider it properly solved. Also, once this done, I get the same pb for libncurses.5.dylib ...




This looks like macports. Try

port rev-upgrade


port -f uninstall iconv
port -f uninstall inactive
port selfupdate
port install iconv
port upgrade outdated
port rev-upgrade

如果需要,可以在每个命令前加上 sudo . (或者只需输入 sudo bash ,然后输入上面的命令来获得root shell.)

Prefix every command with sudo, if you need to. (Or just get a root shell by typing sudo bash, and then the commands above.)


10-19 06:25