

我是不是新来使用常规的前pressions,我明白的基本的理论他们依据 - 有限状态机。

I'm not new to using regular expressions, and I understand the basic theory they're based on--finite state machines.

我不是在算法分析虽然这么好,不明白一个正则表达式进行比较说,一个基本的线性搜索。我问,因为表面上这似乎是一个线性阵列搜索。 (如果正则表达式是简单的。)

I'm not so good at algorithmic analysis though and don't understand how a regex compares to say, a basic linear search. I'm asking because on the surface it seems like a linear array search. (If the regex is simple.)


Where could I go to learn more about implementing a regex engine?


这是最流行的轮廓之一:常规防爆pression匹配可以简单快速。运行针对一个字符串DFA编译常规的前pression确实为O(n),但可能需要最多O(2 ^米)施工时间/空间(其中m =普通EX pression大小)。

This is one of the most popular outlines: Regular Expression Matching Can Be Simple And Fast . Running a DFA-compiled regular expression against a string is indeed O(n), but can require up to O(2^m) construction time/space (where m = regular expression size).


10-18 14:29