

我有çActionScript 3的项目纯粹$ C $在Flash Builder 4,我想调整的阶段。现在我有我设置x属性为10的精灵,但精灵在屏幕的中间。如何设置这些种在code性能?我想这是一个需要以某种方式被设置舞台对象。

I have a pure code Actionscript 3 project in flash builder 4 and I want to align the stage.For now I have a sprite that I have set the x property to 10, but the sprites are in the middle of the screen. How to set these kind of properties in code? I suppose it's the stage object that needs to be set in some way.


您应该看一看的 Stage.align 财产。例如,如果你要调整你的舞台取决于左上角:

You should have a look at the Stage.align property.For example, if you want to align your Stage depending the top left corner :

stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;


Make sure the stage is available though...


10-15 00:49