

我实现通过OkHttp库我的HTTP调用。一切工作正常,但我注意到,当我进入身体两倍的 IllegalStateException异常将被抛出响应的字符串。也就是说,我做的(例如): Log.d(TAG,response.body()字符串())之后,我确实希望使用字符串如 processResponse(response.body()。字符串())。但是,第二个电话的消息关闭引发异常。

I implement my http calls via the OkHttp library. Everything works fine, but I noticed that, when I access the body as a string of the response twice an IllegalStateException will be thrown. That is, I do (for example): Log.d("TAG", response.body().string()) and after that I actually want to use that string like processResponse(response.body().string()). But that second call throws the exception with the message closed.


How can it be possible that accessing a string twice results in a failure? I want to process that response without the need to add a wrapper/dummy object just for saving some values (like header, body, statuscode).



The string method on the response will read the input (network) stream and convert it into a string. So it dynamically builds the string and returns it to you. The second time you call it, the network stream has already been consumed and is no longer available.


You should save the result of string into a String variable, and then access it as many times as needed.


10-14 23:48