

我正在使用 Mysql FULLTEXT 搜索和自然语言全文搜索,不幸的是,我坚持使用 FULLTEXT 50% 阈值,如果给定的关键字出现总行数的 50%,则不允许我搜索行.

I'm using Mysql FULLTEXT search with Natural Language Full-Text, unfortunately I'm stuck with FULLTEXT 50% threshold which is not allow me to search rows if my given keyword occur 50% time of total rows.


I have searched and found a linkhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/fulltext-fine-tuning.html


On this link they have mentioned that

自然语言搜索的 50% 阈值由所选的特定加权方案决定.要禁用它,请在 myisam/ftdefs.h 中查找以下行:

The 50% threshold for natural language searches is determined by the particular weighting scheme chosen. To disable it, look for the following line in myisam/ftdefs.h:


我找不到 myisam/ftdefs.h

I'm unable to locate myisam/ftdefs.h

我使用的是 Linux 操作系统.有什么想法/建议吗?

I'm using Linux OS. Any idea/Suggstions ?


在 Downloads/mysql-whateverversion/storage/myisam 中查找文件.(如果由于某种原因它不存在,只需使用以下命令搜索文件:sudo find/-name ftdefs.h".此命令应为您提供 ftdefs.h 的路径)希望这会有所帮助.

Look for the file in Downloads/mysql-whateverversion/storage/myisam.(If for some reason it isn't there just search for the file with the command: "sudo find / -name ftdefs.h". This command should provide you with the path to ftdefs.h) Hope this helps.


10-14 15:05