


In a written examination, I meet a question like this:


When a Dynamic Array is full, it will extend to double space, it's just like 2 to 4, 16 to 32 etc. But what's time complexity of putting an element to the array?


I think that extending space should not be considered, so I wrote O(n), but I am not sure.




It depends on the question that was asked.


If the question asked for the time required for one insertion, then the answer is O(n) because big-O implies "worst case." In the worst case, you need to grow the array. Growing an array requires allocating a bigger memory block (as you say often 2 times as big, but other factors bigger than 1 may be used) and then copying the entire contents, which is the n existing elements. In some languages like Java, the extra space must also be initialized.


If the question asked for amortized time, then the answer is O(1). Another way of saying this is that the cost of n adds is O(n).

怎么可能?每个加法为O(n),但其中的n个也需要O(n).这就是摊销之美.为简单起见,假设数组以大小1开头,每次填充时以2的倍数增长,所以我们总是复制2个元素的幂.这意味着第一次生长的成本为1,第二次为2,以此类推.通常,生长到n个元素的总成本为TC = 1 + 2 + 4 + ... n.好吧,不难发现TC = 2n-1.例如.如果n = 8,则TC = 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 = 15 = 2 * 8-1.因此,TC 与n 或O(n)成正比.

How can this be? Each addition is O(n), but n of them also require O(n). This is the beauty of amortization. For simplicity, say the array starts with size 1 and grows by a factor of 2 every time it fills, so we're always copying a power of 2 elements. This means the cost of growing is 1 the first time, 2 the second time, etc. In general, the total cost of growing to n elements is TC=1+2+4+...n. Well, it's not hard to see that TC = 2n-1. E.g. if n = 8, then TC=1+2+4+8=15=2*8-1. So TC is proportional to n or O(n).


This analysis works no matter the initial array size or the factor of growth, so long as the factor is greater than 1.


If your teacher is good, he or she asked this question in an ambiguous manner to see if you could discuss both answers.


10-14 03:57