

Function(int n)
 return 1;
for(i=n ; i>n/8 ; i-=n/2)
 for(j=n ; j>2 ; j=j/2)
return Function(n/2);

T(n)= T(n / 2) + O(1)+ 2logn

In order to calculate I have done the following :T(n) = T(n/2) + O(1) + 2logn

  • T(n / 2):递归调用

  • O(1):if语句。

  • 2logn:第一个 for将仅运行2次*(


** I have assumed that the second for loop will divide the j by 2 meaning that I will have j/2^k times iterations = logn.

T(n)= (T(n / 2 ^ 2)+ O(1)+ 2logN) + O(1)+ 2logn
T(n)= T(n / 2 ^ k)+ O(1)+ 2 * klogn

With the same logic the next step:T(n) = (T(n/2^2) + O(1) + 2logN)+O(1) + 2lognKeep on going until the K step:T(n) = T(n/2^k) + O(1) + 2*klogn

从第一个 if语句开始,函数将在以下情况下停止n< = 2,因此:

n / 2 ^ k =? 2> k = log(n)-1。

From the first "if" statement the function will stop when n <= 2, therefor:
n/2^k =? 2 > k = log(n) - 1.

T(n)= T(2 )+ O(1)+ 2(logn)^ 2-2logn
我们知道T(2)= O(1),因为它只是在执行 if语句。

Now I place the k in the function and I get:T(n) = T(2) + O(1) + 2(logn)^2 - 2lognWe know that T(2) = O(1) as it's only doing the "if" statment.

T(n)= O(1)+ 2(logn)^ 2-2logn。
假设我已完成所有步骤,那么复杂度是否为O((logn)^ 2)?

T(n) = O(1) + 2(logn)^2 - 2logn.Assuming all the steps I've done are correct, is the complexity is O((logn)^2)?



以下是对 Danielle 数值实验的补充。

Here is a derivation to compliment Danielle's numerical experiment.

正如 Danielle 的评论所指出的那样,外部循环仅执行两次,一次执行 i = n ,一次执行 i = n / 2 。内部循环不依赖于 i ,这使事情变得更容易。

As Danielle's comment points out, the outer loop only executes twice, once with i = n and once i = n/2. The inner loops don't depend on i which makes things easier.

j 将精确地运行 floor(log2(n))次,因此,假设 syso() O(1)

The loop over j will run precisely floor(log2(n)) times, so, assuming that syso() is O(1):


i.e. your recurrence relation is correct, but the expansion was not.

将停止条件 n< = 2 应用于找到 k 的最大值:

Applying the stopping condition n <= 2 to find the maximum value of k:


  • 四舍五入的数字与其原始值相差小于1:

  • A number rounded down differs from its original value by less than 1:

floor(x) = x + O(1)

  • 算术级数 1 + 2 + ... + n = n *(n + 1)/ 2



    Which is consistent with what the numerical results indicate.


  • 10-14 03:57