本文介绍了Three.js r74 JSONLoader 将所有几何体的副本绑定到第一个骨骼的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在重写这个问题,因为我现在对这个错误有了更多的了解.看起来在 r74 中使用 JSONLoader 时,导出的 Maya 场景中的第一个命名骨骼获得了所有几何体的副本.

I'm rewriting this question since I understand more about the bug now. It looks like when using the JSONLoader in r74, the first named bone in an exported Maya scene gets a duplicate of all the geometry.

这是一个 JSFiddle

在这个例子中,我有 2 个盒子.每个框都绑定到单个骨骼,并且每个骨骼都有关键帧来为位置和旋转设置动画.还有另一个骨骼没有绑定几何体,并且具有不改变其位置或旋转的关键帧.

In this example I have 2 boxes. Each box is bound to a single bone, and each of those bones has keyframes that animate the position and rotation. There is another bone that has no geometry bound to it, and has keyframes that make no change to its position or rotation.

静止骨骼在 Maya 中称为joint1".实际上绑定了几何体的骨骼称为joint2"和joint3".如果我将固定骨骼重命名为joint4",结果将是连接到当前动画joint2"的两个框的副本.

The stationary bone is called "joint1" in Maya. The bones that actually have geometry bound to them are called "joint2" and "joint3". If I were to rename the stationary bone "joint4" the result would be a duplicate of both boxes attached to the currently animating "joint2".


My guess is that either this is a bug, or I'm doing something wrong when loading the animations. Any tips would be appreciated. The only workaround I can figure out right now is to separate each animated object into a separate file, and that's really not feasible. Plus, that wouldn't solve the issue when I have a multi-bone skeleton. This example is just single bone rigs with no actual deformation.


Here's my current loader code.

        //Load Scene, Materials, and Animation

        var mixer, mesh;
        var actions = {};
        var sceneLoader = new THREE.JSONLoader();
        sceneLoader.load( sceneFile, function( geometry,materials ) {
           materials.forEach( function( material ){
              material.skinning = true; 

            mesh = new THREE.SkinnedMesh( geometry, new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial( materials ) );

            mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer( mesh );
            actions.main = mixer.clipAction( geometry.animations[ 0 ]);
            actions.main.setEffectiveWeight( 1 );

            scene.add( mesh );



        var render = function () {
            requestAnimationFrame( render );


            var delta = clock.getDelta();
            var theta = clock.getElapsedTime();

            if ( mixer ) { mixer.update( delta ); }

            renderer.render(scene, camera)




This is still an issue, but I've found an ok workaround.

因为复制的几何体总是被分配默认的 Lambert 着色器,在使用 Maya 导出器时总是包含该着色器.只要所有打算保留的对象的材质不是 Maya 中的默认值,您就可以插入

Since the duplicated geometry always gets assigned the default lambert shader that is always included when using the Maya Exporter. As long as all the objects that are intended to be kept have a material other than the default in Maya, you can insert

mesh.material.materials[0].visible = false;


into the loader code which will make any material with the default lambert invisible.


这篇关于Three.js r74 JSONLoader 将所有几何体的副本绑定到第一个骨骼的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-11 04:11