

考虑以下用C或C ++2案件数组初始化:

Consider following two cases of Array initialization in C or C++ :


int array[10000] = {0}; // All values = 0


int array[10000];
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
    array[i] = 0;


Do they both take same time ? what is the complexity of Case 1? and, Which one is better?


在数组是一个静态的持续时间(全局变量)的情况下,我会说第一个是多preferrable,因为它不 ŧ要求任何code - 它由运行时环境初始化。

In the case of the array being of static duration (global variable), I'd say the first one is much preferrable, since it doesn't require any code - it is initialized by the runtime-environment.


If the variable is a of automatic duration (local variable), which one is better, if either is better than the other, depends on the compiler. Most likely, both will be very similar.


The comlexity for the automatic storage duration variable is O(n) for all cases. The first case is O(1) for a static storage duration variable.

当然,如果你想以填补数组值5,第二个选项是要好得多,因为它不需要在源文件中写10000 5

Of course, if you wanted to fill array with the value 5, the second option is much better because it doesn't require writing 10000 5 in the source file.

您还可以发现,使用 memset的(数组,0,sizeof的(阵列)); 比都好 - 再次,根据不同的编译器。这仍然是O(n),但需要填写阵列的实际时间可能会缩短,因为 memset的可以更好地比编译器生成的循环情况进行了优化[和它做什么的初始化的变量。 memset的将不填充数组与 5 工作的。

You may also find that using memset(array, 0, sizeof(array)); is better than both - again, depending on the compiler. This is still O(n), but the actual time it takes to fill the array may be shorter, because memset may be better optimized than what the compiler generates for your loop case [and what it does for initialized variables]. memset won't work for filling the array with 5 either.

您也可以使用的std ::填充(阵列和放大器;数组[10000],5); 设定值5在所有的数组,编译器必应是优化了体面的工作。

You could also use std::fill(array, &array[10000], 5); to set the value 5 in all the array, and the compiler will should a decent job of optimizing that.


Finally, I should point out that these sort of things only REALLY matter if they are doing in code that gets executed a lot. It's a long time since filling 40KB of data took long enough to really worry about on its own. Like 20+ years.


10-11 00:05