

在学习了带有典型Coffee示例的Decorator模式后,Decorator Pattern使我们从类爆炸问题中解脱出来,然后,我编写了一些代码供自己使用和查看.首先让我们看一下UML ...

After learning about the Decorator Pattern with typical Coffee example where Decorator Pattern saves us from the class explosion problem, I wrote some code to use and see it myself. Lets take a look at the UML first...



ICofee 定义:

public interface ICoffee
    string Name { get; }
    decimal Cost { get; } 

LatteCoffee 定义:

public class LatteCoffee : ICoffee
    public string Name { get; } = "Latte";
    public decimal Cost => 2.00m;


IAddOnDecorator 定义:

public interface IAddOnDecorator : ICoffee
    ICoffee BaseCoffee { set; }

CaramelDecorator 定义:

public class CaramelDecorator : IAddOnDecorator
    public ICoffee BaseCoffee { private get; set; }    
    public string Name { get; } = "Caramel";
    public decimal Cost => BaseCoffee.Cost + 0.5m;

AlmondSyrupDecorator 定义:

public class AlmondSyrupDecorator : IAddOnDecorator
    public ICoffee BaseCoffee { private get; set; }
    public string Name { get; } = "AlmondSyrup";
    public decimal Cost => BaseCoffee.Cost + 0.3m;

您会看到装饰器没有使用构造器中注入的 ICoffee ,而是有一个setter属性 ICoffee BaseCoffee .

You can see that the decorators are not taking ICoffee injected in the constructor instead, there is a setter property ICoffee BaseCoffee.

我想将构造函数注入到组件( ICoffee )的装饰器( IAddOnDecorator )中,但这是推荐的方法,但是,我无法通过单元测试方法传递具体对象.

I would like to use the constructor injection into the decorator (IAddOnDecorator)for the component (ICoffee) which is the recommended way, however, I am then unable to pass in the concrete object in the unit test method.


public class CoffeeTests
    private IServiceProvider provider;
    private IServiceCollection services;
    private IDictionary<string, ICoffee> coffeeMapper;
    private IDictionary<string, IAddOnDecorator> addonMapper;

    public void Setup()
        services = new ServiceCollection();
        services.AddTransient<ICoffee, LatteCoffee>();
        services.AddTransient<IAddOnDecorator, CaramelDecorator>();
        services.AddTransient<IAddOnDecorator, AlmondSyrupDecorator>();
        provider = services.BuildServiceProvider();

    public void LatteWithCaramelAndAlmodSyrupShouldReturnTheTotalPriceOfCoffeeAndItsAddOns()
        string coffee = "Latte";
        IEnumerable<string> addOns = new List<string> { "Caramel", "AlmondSyrup" };

        IEnumerable<ICoffee> allCoffees = provider.GetServices<ICoffee>();

        coffeeMapper = allCoffees.ToDictionary(c => c.Name, c => c);

        ICoffee selectedCoffee = coffeeMapper[coffee];
        IEnumerable<IAddOnDecorator> resolvedDecorators = provider.GetServices<IAddOnDecorator>();

        IList<IAddOnDecorator> selectedDecorators = new List<IAddOnDecorator>();
        addonMapper = resolvedDecorators .ToDictionary(a => a.Name, a => a);

        IAddOnDecorator firstAddon = addonMapper[addOns.First()];
        firstAddon.BaseCoffee = selectedCoffee;

        foreach (string nextAddon in addOns.Where(a => a != firstAddon.Name))
            IAddOnDecorator decorator = addonMapper[nextAddon];
            decorator.BaseCoffee = selectedDecorators.Last();

        // Act.
        decimal totalCost = selectedDecorators.Last().Cost;

        // Assert.

        Assert.That(2.80m, Is.EqualTo(totalCost));



如何使用传递到.net核心Decorator类的构造函数中的 ICoffee 对象的特定实例来解析 IAddOnDecorator ?我不想使用 ICoffee BaseCoffee {private get;放;} 属性.

How can I resolve IAddOnDecorator using a particular instance of ICoffee object passing into the constructor of Decorator class in .net core? I do not want to use ICoffee BaseCoffee { private get; set; } property.


不幸的是,.Net核心中的默认IoC容器不支持装饰,因此我不得不将注意力转向其他可用选项.因为我已经使用过结构图,并且我喜欢它的"Convention over Configuration"策略,所以我决定尝试一下.下面的代码实现了我一直在寻找的...它不是完美的,但是我允许我通过注入另一个装饰器或组件的实例来实例化装饰器.

Unfortunately, the default IoC Container in .Net core doesnt support decoration so I had to turn my attention to other available options. Since I have already used Structure Map and that I like its "Convention over Configuration" strategy I decided to try it. Following code achieves that I was looking for... Its not perfect but I allows me to instantiate decorator by inject an instance of another decorator or component.

注意:我添加了另一个装饰器 SaltedCaramelDecorator 只是为了使其更加有趣...

Note: I have added another decorator SaltedCaramelDecorator just to keep it more interesting...

// Arrange.
Container container = new Container();
container.Configure(config =>
    // register coffees / components

    // register addOns / decorators

const string coffeeName = "Latte";
IEnumerable<string> coffeeDecoratorNames = new List<string> { "SaltedCaramel", "Almond", "Caramel" };

// Act.

ICoffee theCoffee = container.GetInstance<ICoffee>(coffeeName);
if (coffeeDecoratorNames.Any())
    // set the baseCofee as argument to the next decorator / addon.
    ExplicitArguments baseCoffee = new ExplicitArguments();

    foreach (string nextDeco in coffeeDecoratorNames)
        ExplicitArguments addOn = new ExplicitArguments();
        theCoffee = container.GetInstance<IAddOnDecorator>(addOn, nextDeco);

// Assert.

Assert.That(3.20m, Is.EqualTo(theCoffee.Cost));


Thanks for @Steven for helping comments. I hope someone else would find this post helpful.


10-10 22:22