


I am getting to a point in my application where there seems to be a lot of presentation logic in my models:

<?php foreach ($this->users as $user): ?>
    <span class="phone">
        <?php echo $user->getPhoneNumberFormattedAsText(); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>

起初,由于需要View Helpers,我开始着手解决这个问题:

At first, I started approaching this as a need for View Helpers:

<span class="phone"><?php echo $this->userPhone($user->getPhone()); ?></span>

但是,我开始遇到一个问题,我有很多特定于某些模型的小View Helper,不需要占用整个文件.如果可以将这种表示逻辑组合在一起并将其排除在模型之外,那就太好了.我认为这是装饰器模式有意义的时候.

However, I've started running into a problem where I have lots of little View Helpers that are specific to certain models, that don't need to take up an entire file. It would be nice if I could group this presentation logic together and keep it out of the model. I think this is when the decorator pattern makes sense.


I have seen a few examples online, but no real, practical examples of code. I would like to know if you have successfully used this pattern in your PHP application and what a PHP example of this should look like.



I've implemented a decorator pattern for my php application. Basically it's a wrapper class to a xml configuration file where I define my basic needs. To simplify I use a pizza as an example. Then I have a class for each ingredient and wrap it around the other class. In the end I call the prize method of each class and it gives me the sum of everything.

$order = new pizza($xml_file);
$order = new add_salami($order);
$order = new add_cheese($order);
$order = new add_tomato($order);   
$order = $order->prize();

您需要在每个成分类中维护一个指向当前对象的指针.当您调用php new函数时,可以使用它来备份当前对象.这有点像(对象的)链表.然后,您可以调用最后一个对象的award()方法并遍历所有其他类.但是要装饰,您需要添加新的类.您也可以将$ xml_file替换为起始值.我所有的装饰器类都放在一个文件中.装饰器类可以如下所示:

You need to maintain a pointer to the current object in every ingredient class. When you call the php new function you can use it to backup the current object. It's a bit like a linked list (of objects). Then you can call the prize() method of the last object and loop through all other classes. But to decorate you need to add new classes. You can also replace the $xml_file with a start value. I've all my decorator class in one file. A decorator class can looks like this:

class add_salami {

    protected $order;
    protected $prize;

    public function __construct ($order) {
        $this->order = $order;
        $this->prize = $order->getPrize();

    public function getPrize() {
        return $this->prize + 10;


I keep many of these tiny decorator classes in a huge file.


10-10 10:46