本文介绍了无法使用Application Loader上传iOS应用的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Tired of banging of head against the wall with Apple, so I'm asking the question here.

Application Loader停留在正在将包上传到iTunes Store ..."中,显示616个字节,为37.7 MB(0字节/秒).截图:

Application Loader gets stuck at "Uploading package to iTunes Store...", showing 616 bytes of 37.7 MB (0 bytes/sec). Screenshot:


It stays this way for about 20 minutes and then displays an indeterminate error message:


On one occasion the progress bar jumped to 10MB and it appeared to be uploading for a while, and then the error message appeared.


The error message does not show any information pertaining to the problem, or provide any hints as to the cause of the problem, or a potential solution. One line of the error hints at a "diagnostic mode" but provides no further information. Screenshot below:

我确实尝试了其他地方建议的解决方法,即在"net.properties"文件中设置"https.proxyPort = 80".这没有效果.

I did try a workaround recommended elsewhere, of setting "https.proxyPort=80" in the "net.properties" file. This had no effect.

过去,Application Loader一直在其他网络和计算机上持续出现问题,没有明显的原因.我目前正在使用的互联网连接很好.我使用的所有其他站点和服务都可以正常运行.我可以从其他服务器上载和下载文件,并且可以通过Google Play提交相同的应用程序,而不会出现任何问题.

Application Loader has persistently given problems in the past, on other networks and computers, for no apparant reason. The internet connection I am on at the moment is fine. Every other site and service I use works perfectly. I am able to upload and download files from other servers, and I was able to submit the same app through Google Play without any problems.

联系Apple没有帮助.第一封电子邮件回复说,我需要验证地址和端口是否可访问,并链接到使用Application Loader 文档.

Contacting Apple was not helpful. The first email response said that I need to verify the address and ports are accessible, and linked to the Using Application Loader document.


When I asked Apple what it meant to "verify", they responded that they were unwilling to assist, and recommended searching online for solutions.


I posted this same question on the dev forums and have received no response. Other posts on the internet suggest "going to the library", or "upload from your phone", neither of which are practical solutions.


Are there any known solutions to the problem? How can I go about diagnosing the issue? What is the "diagnostic mode" referred to in the error?


我遇到了同样的问题.在Application Loader中,转到设置"->高级",然后取消选中"DAV"选项.之后,我的上传不再停留在0字节/秒.祝你好运.

I had the same problem. In Application Loader go to Settings -> Advanced and uncheck DAV option.After that my uploads no longer stuck at 0 bytes/sec. Good luck.

这篇关于无法使用Application Loader上传iOS应用的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-10 09:41