


I'm developing an operating system in assembly language. At a certain time i get this error from NASM:


I want to take this project to the end. Only the errors like that despair me!



    mov ax, 07C0h       ; Set up 4K stack space after this bootloader
    add ax, 288     ; (4096 + 512) / 16 bytes per paragraph
    mov ss, ax
    mov sp, 4096
    mov ax, 07C0h       ; Set data segment to where we're loaded
    mov ds, ax
    call cls
    MOV AH, 06h    ; Scroll up function
    XOR AL, AL     ; Clear entire screen
    XOR CX, CX     ; Upper left corner CH=row, CL=column
    MOV DX, 184FH  ; lower right corner DH=row, DL=column 
    MOV BH, 1Eh    ; YellowOnBlue
    INT 10H
    mov si, text_string ; Put string position into SI
    call print_string   ; Call our string-printing routine
push bx ;push registers
push cx
push dx
mov ah,0h
int 16h
       cmp al, '1'
       je reboot
       cmp al, '2'
       je shutdown
       cmp al, '3'
       je about
       cmp al, '4'
       je message
       cmp al, '5'
       je shutdown
       cmp al, '6'
       je credits

       jmp $            ; Jump here - infinite loop!

    text_string db '|Main Menu| |Smile OS V1.4|',13,10,'1) Reboot',13,10,'2) Shutdown',13,10,'3) About',13,10,'4) Message',13,10,'5) System Halt',13,10,'6) Credits',0
    about_string db '|About|',13,10,'Smile OS is a console based operating system in assembly language. 8 hours of intense work done by Alex~s Software. Many errors but solved and very successful.',13,10,'Press any key to go back!',0
    message_str db '|Message|',10,13,'Hello, World!',13,10,'Press any key to go back!',0
    cr_str db '|Credits|',13,10,'Copyright © 2018 Alex~s Software',13,10,'Main Programer: Alex',13,10,'Graphichs: What graphics?',13,10,'Idea:  nobody :)',0

mov ax, 0
int 19h

mov ax, 0x1000
mov ax, ss
mov sp, 0xf000
mov ax, 0x5307
mov bx, 0x0001
mov cx, 0x0003
int 0x15

call cls
mov si, cr_str  ; Put string position into SI
call print_string   ; Call our string-printing routine
push bx ;push registers
push cx
push dx
mov ah,0h
int 16h
je start

call cls
mov si, message_str ; Put string position into SI
call print_string   ; Call our string-printing routine
push bx ;push registers
push cx
push dx
mov ah,0h
int 16h
je start

  mov ah, 0x00
  mov al, 0x03  ; text mode 80x25 16 colours
  int 0x10

call cls
mov si, about_string    ; Put string position into SI
call print_string   ; Call our string-printing routine
push bx ;push registers
push cx
push dx
mov ah,0h
int 16h 
je start

print_string:           ; Routine: output string in SI to screen
    mov ah, 0Eh     ; int 10h 'print char' function

    lodsb           ; Get character from string
    cmp al, 0
    je .done        ; If char is zero, end of string
    int 10h         ; Otherwise, print it
    jmp .repeat


times   512 - ($ - $$)    db  0
signature       dw      0xaa55

为什么Times值为负?为什么其他人没有得到相同的错误? (或者那样)

Why Times value is negative? Hhy others do not get the same error? (Or like that)


Oracle VM VirtualBox版本6.0.0_RC1

Oracle VM VirtualBox version 6.0.0_RC1

适用于Windows版本0.5的rawwrite dd.

rawwrite dd for windows version 0.5.


nasm os.asm -f bin -o os.bin  
dd if=/dev/zero of=os.img bs=1024 count=1440   
dd if=os.bin of=os.img


TL; DR :您的代码和数据太大,并且与文件最后2个字节中的引导签名冲突.下面的代码是一个软盘引导加载程序,它读取第二阶段(您的内核)并将控制权转移给它.提供的BPB用于1.44MiB软盘.与自举程序不同,stage2将被加载到物理地址0x07e00(在内存中自举程序之后).这使您的代码最大为32.5KiB.如果需要,您的第二阶段可以读取更多扇区.该代码经过精心设计,因此其他人可以将其用作读取第二阶段并将控制权转移给它的模板.

TL;DR : Your code and data is too big and collided with the boot signature in the last 2 bytes of the file. The code below is a floppy disk bootloader that reads a second stage (your kernel) and transfers control to it. The provided BPB is for a 1.44MiB floppy. Unlike a bootloader, stage2 will be loaded to physical address 0x07e00 (right after the bootloader in memory). This allows your code to be up to 32.5KiB in size. Your second stage can read more sectors if needed. This code has been designed so others can use this as a template for reading a second stage and transferring control to it.

该问题实际上已经在您之前的 Stackoverflow问题下得到了回答.关于使用times 512 - ($ - $$) db 0x00的填充的警告是510,而不是512.答案警告过多的代码和数据(超过512字节),以及一种从NASM获得有关大小的更好的错误/警告的方法.我的其他答案中的注释将尺寸问题总结为:

This question has actually been already answered under your previous Stackoverflow Question. There is a warning about the padding using times 512 - ($ - $$) db 0x00 needing to be 510 and not 512. The answer warns of too much code and data (exceeding 512 bytes), and a way to get better error/warnings from NASM about the size. The note in my other answer summarizes the size issue as:

没有提供一种机制(示例),该机制在物理地址0x07E00的引导加载程序之后立即使用NASM和INT 13h/AH = 2h将更多磁盘扇区(也称为stage2)读入内存.该代码已注释,但有效地做到了:

What wasn't provided was a mechanism (example) that uses NASM and INT 13h/AH=2h to read more disk sectors (aka stage2) into memory right after the bootloader at physical address 0x07E00. The code is commented, but it effectively does:

  • 启动代码正确设置了段寄存器,并使用了BIOS在 DL 寄存器中传递的启动驱动器.我的 Stackoverflow常规Bootloader提示
  • 中对此进行了讨论.
  • 堆栈位于引导加载程序下方的0x0000:0x7c00处.将数据读取到0x7c00到0x7dff以外的内存中时,设置自己的堆栈很重要,因为您不知道BIOS在哪里设置默认堆栈( SS:SP ).
  • 将自身显示为带有BIOS参数块的1.44MB软盘,使其与USB软盘驱动器仿真兼容真正的硬件.
  • 使用INT 13h/AH = 2h从0x07e00开始一次读取Stage2的一个扇区.它支持重试错误.
  • 一旦Stage2完成内核加载,引导程序便将控制权转移到0x0000:0x7E00(stage2_start)的stage2代码
  • Stage2可以包含您希望运行的代码.您将拥有32.5KiB的空间来测试代码,而不是单个引导扇区(512字节)的限制.
  • Stage2的磁盘扇区紧随磁盘映像中的引导扇区.
  • 您的Stage2(内核)代码进入stage2.asm. stage2.asm被组装为stage2.bin,并且os.asm包含二进制文件stage2.bin,以便可以确定stage2的大小,以便由引导加载程序将其加载到内存中.
  • stage2.asm必须使用ORG 0x7e00,因为上述过程会将此代码加载到0x7e00,因此必须将ORG(原点)设置为匹配.
  • 此引导程序会将寄存器DL中的原始引导驱动器号(由BIOS传递)传递给在stage2中运行的代码.
  • 文件stage2info.inc定义常量,以确定stage2的原点是什么,以及在将控制权转移给它时应为FAR JMP使用哪个段和偏移量.该文件的默认版本假设通过0x0000:0x7e00访问stage2.文件的替代版本可用于使该版本为0x07e0:0x0000.后一个版本允许您的代码占用完整的64kb段.
  • The start up code properly sets up segment registers and uses the boot drive passed by the BIOS in the DL register. This is discussed in my Stackoverflow General Bootloader Tips
  • The stack is placed below the bootloader at 0x0000:0x7c00. Setting your own stack is important when reading data into memory outside 0x7c00 to 0x7dff since you don't know where the BIOS set the default stack (SS:SP).
  • Presents itself as a 1.44MB floppy with a BIOS Parameter Block to make it compatible with USB Floppy Drive Emulation booting on real hardware.
  • Stage2 is read a sector at a time using INT 13h/AH=2h starting at 0x07e00. It supports retry on errors.
  • Once Stage2 is finished loading the kernel, the bootloader transfers control to the stage2 code at 0x0000:0x7E00 (stage2_start)
  • Stage2 can contain the code you wish to run. You will have 32.5KiB of space to test your code rather than the limitations of a single boot sector (512 bytes).
  • Stage2's disk sectors immediately follow the boot sector in the disk image.
  • Your Stage2 (kernel) code goes into stage2.asm. stage2.asm gets assembled into stage2.bin and os.asm includes the binary file stage2.bin so that the size of stage2 can be determined for purposes of loading it into memory by the bootloader.
  • stage2.asm must use ORG 0x7e00 since the process above will be loading this code to 0x7e00, so the ORG (origin point) must be set to match.
  • This bootloader will pass the original boot drive number (passed by the BIOS) in register DL to the code running in stage2.
  • The file stage2info.inc defines constants to determine what the origin point of stage2 is, and what segment and offset should be used for the FAR JMP when transferring control to it. The default version of this file assumes stage2 is accessed via 0x0000:0x7e00. An alternative version of the file can be used to make that 0x07e0:0x0000. The latter version allows your code to take up a full 64kb segment.

bpb.inc :

    jmp boot_start
    TIMES 3-($-$$) DB 0x90   ; Support 2 or 3 byte encoded JMPs before BPB.

    ; Dos 4.0 EBPB 1.44MB floppy
    OEMname:           db    "mkfs.fat"  ; mkfs.fat is what OEMname mkdosfs uses
    bytesPerSector:    dw    512
    sectPerCluster:    db    1
    reservedSectors:   dw    1
    numFAT:            db    2
    numRootDirEntries: dw    224
    numSectors:        dw    2880
    mediaType:         db    0xf0
    numFATsectors:     dw    9
    sectorsPerTrack:   dw    18
    numHeads:          dw    2
    numHiddenSectors:  dd    0
    numSectorsHuge:    dd    0
    driveNum:          db    0
    reserved:          db    0
    signature:         db    0x29
    volumeID:          dd    0x2d7e5a1a
    volumeLabel:       db    "NO NAME    "
    fileSysType:       db    "FAT12   "

stage2info.inc :

STAGE2_ABS_ADDR   equ 0x07e00    ; Physical address of stage2

; Segment and Offset to use to transfer (FAR JMP) control to Stage2
;     Segment:Offset = 0x0000:0x7e00
STAGE2_RUN_SEG   equ 0x0000

os.asm :

%include "stage2info.inc"

                                ; Segment to start reading Stage2 into
                                ;     right after bootloader

STAGE2_LBA_START equ 1          ; Logical Block Address(LBA) Stage2 starts on
                                ;     LBA 1 = sector after boot sector
                                ; Logical Block Address(LBA) Stage2 ends at
DISK_RETRIES     equ 3          ; Number of times to retry on disk error

bits 16
ORG 0x7c00

; Include a BPB (1.44MB floppy with FAT12) to be more comaptible with USB floppy media
%include "bpb.inc"

    xor ax, ax                  ; DS=SS=ES=0 for stage2 loading
    mov ds, ax
    mov ss, ax                  ; Stack at 0x0000:0x7c00
    mov sp, 0x7c00
    cld                         ; Set string instructions to use forward movement

    ; Read Stage2 1 sector at a time until stage2 is completely loaded
    mov [bootDevice], dl        ; Save boot drive
    mov di, STAGE2_LOAD_SEG     ; DI = Current segment to read into
    mov si, STAGE2_LBA_START    ; SI = LBA that stage2 starts at
    jmp .chk_for_last_lba       ; Check to see if we are last sector in stage2

    mov bp, DISK_RETRIES        ; Set disk retry count

    call lba_to_chs             ; Convert current LBA to CHS
    mov es, di                  ; Set ES to current segment number to read into
    xor bx, bx                  ; Offset zero in segment

    mov ax, 0x0201              ; Call function 0x02 of int 13h (read sectors)
                                ;     AL = 1 = Sectors to read
    int 0x13                    ; BIOS Disk interrupt call
    jc .disk_error              ; If CF set then disk error

    add di, 512>>4              ; Advance to next 512 byte segment (0x20*16=512)
    inc si                      ; Next LBA

    cmp si, STAGE2_LBA_END      ; Have we reached the last stage2 sector?
    jl .read_sector_loop        ;     If we haven't then read next sector

    mov ax, STAGE2_RUN_SEG      ; Set up the segments appropriate for Stage2 to run
    mov ds, ax
    mov es, ax

    ; FAR JMP to the Stage2 entry point at physical address 0x07e00

    xor ah, ah                  ; Int13h/AH=0 is drive reset
    int 0x13
    dec bp                      ; Decrease retry count
    jge .retry                  ; If retry count not exceeded then try again

    ; Unrecoverable error; print drive error; enter infinite loop
    mov si, diskErrorMsg        ; Display disk error message
    call print_string
    jmp .error_loop

; Function: print_string
;           Display a string to the console on display page 0
; Inputs:   SI = Offset of address to print
; Clobbers: AX, BX, SI

    mov ah, 0x0e                ; BIOS tty Print
    xor bx, bx                  ; Set display page to 0 (BL)
    jmp .getch
    int 0x10                    ; print character
    lodsb                       ; Get character from string
    test al,al                  ; Have we reached end of string?
    jnz .repeat                 ;     if not process next character

;    Function: lba_to_chs
; Description: Translate Logical block address to CHS (Cylinder, Head, Sector).
;              Works for all valid FAT12 compatible disk geometries.
;   Resources: http://www.ctyme.com/intr/rb-0607.htm
;              https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_block_addressing#CHS_conversion
;              https://stackoverflow.com/q/45434899/3857942
;              Sector    = (LBA mod SPT) + 1
;              Head      = (LBA / SPT) mod HEADS
;              Cylinder  = (LBA / SPT) / HEADS
;      Inputs: SI = LBA
;     Outputs: DL = Boot Drive Number
;              DH = Head
;              CH = Cylinder (lower 8 bits of 10-bit cylinder)
;              CL = Sector/Cylinder
;                   Upper 2 bits of 10-bit Cylinders in upper 2 bits of CL
;                   Sector in lower 6 bits of CL
;       Notes: Output registers match expectation of Int 13h/AH=2 inputs
    push ax                     ; Preserve AX
    mov ax, si                  ; Copy LBA to AX
    xor dx, dx                  ; Upper 16-bit of 32-bit value set to 0 for DIV
    div word [sectorsPerTrack]  ; 32-bit by 16-bit DIV : LBA / SPT
    mov cl, dl                  ; CL = S = LBA mod SPT
    inc cl                      ; CL = S = (LBA mod SPT) + 1
    xor dx, dx                  ; Upper 16-bit of 32-bit value set to 0 for DIV
    div word [numHeads]         ; 32-bit by 16-bit DIV : (LBA / SPT) / HEADS
    mov dh, dl                  ; DH = H = (LBA / SPT) mod HEADS
    mov dl, [bootDevice]        ; boot device, not necessary to set but convenient
    mov ch, al                  ; CH = C(lower 8 bits) = (LBA / SPT) / HEADS
    shl ah, 6                   ; Store upper 2 bits of 10-bit Cylinder into
    or  cl, ah                  ;     upper 2 bits of Sector (CL)
    pop ax                      ; Restore scratch registers

; Uncomment these lines if not using a BPB (via bpb.inc)
; numHeads:        dw 2         ; 1.44MB Floppy has 2 heads & 18 sector per track
; sectorsPerTrack: dw 18

bootDevice:      db 0x00
diskErrorMsg:    db "Unrecoverable disk error!", 0

; Pad boot sector to 510 bytes and add 2 byte boot signature for 512 total bytes
TIMES 510-($-$$) db  0
dw 0xaa55

; Beginning of stage2. This is at 0x7E00 and will allow your stage2 to be 32.5KiB
; before running into problems. DL will be set to the drive number originally
; passed to us by the BIOS.

NUM_STAGE2_SECTORS equ (stage2_end-stage2_start+511) / 512
                                ; Number of 512 byte sectors stage2 uses.

    ; Insert stage2 binary here. It is done this way since we
    ; can determine the size(and number of sectors) to load since
    ;     Size = stage2_end-stage2_start
    incbin "stage2.bin"

; End of stage2. Make sure this label is LAST in this file!


You place all the code you want to test in the file stage2.asm which will be included by my version of os.asm. A version of your code with the unnecessary parts at the beginning and end removed is:


%include "stage2info.inc"


    ; Removed the segment and stack code
    call cls
    MOV AH, 06h    ; Scroll up function
    XOR AL, AL     ; Clear entire screen
    XOR CX, CX     ; Upper left corner CH=row, CL=column
    MOV DX, 184FH  ; lower right corner DH=row, DL=column
    MOV BH, 1Eh    ; YellowOnBlue
    INT 10H
    mov si, text_string ; Put string position into SI
    call print_string   ; Call our string-printing routine
push bx ;push registers
push cx
push dx
mov ah,0h
int 16h
       cmp al, '1'
       je reboot
       cmp al, '2'
       je shutdown
       cmp al, '3'
       je about
       cmp al, '4'
       je message
       cmp al, '5'
       je shutdown
       cmp al, '6'
       je credits

       jmp $            ; Jump here - infinite loop!

    text_string db '|Main Menu| |Smile OS V1.4|',13,10,'1) Reboot',13,10,'2) Shutdown',13,10,'3) About',13,10,'4) Message',13,10,'5) System Halt',13,10,'6) Credits',0
    about_string db '|About|',13,10,'Smile OS is a console based operating system in assembly language. 8 hours of intense work done by Alex~s Software. Many errors but solved and very successful.',13,10,'Press any key to go back!',0
    message_str db '|Message|',10,13,'Hello, World!',13,10,'Press any key to go back!',0
    cr_str db '|Credits|',13,10,'Copyright © 2018 Alex~s Software',13,10,'Main Programer: Alex',13,10,'Graphichs: What graphics?',13,10,'Idea:  nobody :)',0

mov ax, 0
int 19h

mov ax, 0x1000
mov ax, ss
mov sp, 0xf000
mov ax, 0x5307
mov bx, 0x0001
mov cx, 0x0003
int 0x15

call cls
mov si, cr_str  ; Put string position into SI
call print_string   ; Call our string-printing routine
push bx ;push registers
push cx
push dx
mov ah,0h
int 16h
je start

call cls
mov si, message_str ; Put string position into SI
call print_string   ; Call our string-printing routine
push bx ;push registers
push cx
push dx
mov ah,0h
int 16h
je start

  mov ah, 0x00
  mov al, 0x03  ; text mode 80x25 16 colours
  int 0x10

call cls
mov si, about_string    ; Put string position into SI
call print_string   ; Call our string-printing routine
push bx ;push registers
push cx
push dx
mov ah,0h
int 16h
je start

print_string:           ; Routine: output string in SI to screen
    mov ah, 0Eh     ; int 10h 'print char' function

    lodsb           ; Get character from string
    cmp al, 0
    je .done        ; If char is zero, end of string
    int 10h         ; Otherwise, print it
    jmp .repeat



You then assemble and build the disk image with these commands:

# Build stage2 (kernel) FIRST as os.asm will include stage2.bin
nasm -f bin stage2.asm -o stage2.bin
# Build and combine stage1 (boot sector) and stage2 (kernel)
nasm -f bin os.asm -o os.bin

# Build 1.44MB disk image
dd if=/dev/zero of=disk.img bs=1024 count=1440
dd if=os.bin of=disk.img conv=notrunc


Lines starting with # are just comments and are not commands.




You use these commands which contains an error:

nasm os.asm -f bin -o os.bin  
dd if=/dev/zero of=os.img bs=1024 count=1440   
dd if=os.bin of=os.img

最后一行应为dd if=os.bin of=os.img conv=notrunc,以便在将os.bin文件写入其中时不会截断1.44MB磁盘映像.如果查看磁盘映像的大小,您可能会发现它不是预期的1474560 .

The last line should be dd if=os.bin of=os.img conv=notrunc so that the 1.44MB disk image doesn't get truncated when the os.bin file is written to it. If you look at the size of your disk image you will probably see that is not the expected 1474560.


An alternative stage2info.inc file to use 0x07e0:0x0000 instead of 0x0000:0x7e00 to transfer control to stage2:

STAGE2_ABS_ADDR   equ 0x07e00    ; Physical address of stage2

; Segment and Offset to use to transfer (FAR JMP) control to Stage2
;     Segment:Offset = 0x07e0:0x0000
STAGE2_RUN_OFS   equ 0x0000


10-10 07:57