


当我运行低于code,我得到了正确的答案,6 O(n)的复杂性。对不对?

    dp_lis = []
    curr_index = 0
    prev_index = 0

        prev_index = curr_index
        curr_index = I

        打印',如果:%D< %D和%D< %D'%(prev_index,curr_index,一个[prev_index],一个[curr_index])
        如果prev_index< curr_index和[prev_index] LT; A [curr_index]:
            打印'\ TADD元:一个[curr_index]
            new_lis = 1 +最大(dp_lis)
            打印'\ telse元:一个[curr_index]

    打印DP LIST,dp_lis

如果__name__ =='__main__':
    A = [10,22,9,33,21,50,41,60,80]


使用这个正确的,成熟的,但效率低下的执行算法来核对您的结果 - 这是标准的递归解决方案,它不使用动态规划:

        如果我== -1:
        MAXLEN,curLen = 0,0
            如果NUMS [J] LT; NUMS [我]:
                curLen = MAX_LENGTH(J)
                如果curLen> MAXLEN:
                    MAXLEN = curLen
        返回1 + MAXLEN
    返回最大值(对于x中的xrange MAX_LENGTH(x)的(LEN(NUMS)))

请检查 your_lis(NUMS)== my_lis(NUMS)与数字尽可能多的不同大小的输入列表,他们应该是平等的。在某些时候,对于长的列表我的实现将远远比你慢。

作为进一步的比较点,这是我自己的优化动态规划解决方案。它运行在 O(N日志K)时间和 O(N)太空,返回实际的最长递增子序列它一路上发现:

    表,LIS = lis_table(NUMS)[]
        lis.append(NU​​MS [表[I])

        返回 []
    表,preDS = [0],[0] * len个(NUMS)
        如果NUMS表[-1〕25; NUMS [我]:
            preDS [i] =表[-1]
        minIdx,maxIdx = 0,LEN(表)-1-
        而minIdx< maxIdx:
            中期=(minIdx + maxIdx)/ 2
            如果NUMS表[中旬〕25; NUMS [我]:
                minIdx =中等+ 1
                maxIdx =中
        如果NUMS [1]  - ; NUMS表[minIdx]:
            如果minIdx> 0:
                preDS [i] =表[minIdx-1]
            表[minIdx] = I
    目前,I =表[-1],len个(表)
        我 -  = 1
        表[I],电流=电流,preDS [现行]

I just wrote this implementation to find out the length of the longest increasing subsequence using dynamic programming. So for input as [10, 22, 9, 33, 21, 50, 41, 60, 80] the LIS is 6 and one of the set is [10, 22, 33, 50, 60, 80].

When I run the below code I get the correct answer as 6 with O(n) complexity. Is it correct?

def lis(a):
    dp_lis     = []
    curr_index = 0
    prev_index = 0

    for i in range(len(a)):
        prev_index = curr_index
        curr_index = i

        print 'if: %d < %d and %d < %d' % (prev_index, curr_index, a[prev_index], a[curr_index])
        if prev_index < curr_index and a[prev_index] < a[curr_index]:
            print '\tadd ELEMENT: ', a[curr_index]
            new_lis = 1 + max(dp_lis)
            print '\telse ELEMENT: ', a[curr_index]

    print "DP LIST: ", dp_lis
    return max(dp_lis)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    a = [10, 22, 9, 33, 21, 50, 41, 60, 80]
    print lis(a)

Use this correct, proven but inefficient implementation of the algorithm to check against your results - it's the standard recursive solution, it doesn't use dynamic programming:

def lis(nums):
    def max_length(i):
        if i == -1:
            return 0
        maxLen, curLen = 0, 0
        for j in xrange(i-1, -1, -1):
            if nums[j] < nums[i]:
                curLen = max_length(j)
                if curLen > maxLen:
                    maxLen = curLen
        return 1 + maxLen
    if not nums:
        return 0
    return max(max_length(x) for x in xrange(len(nums)))

Check to see if your_lis(nums) == my_lis(nums) for as many different-sized input lists with numbers as possible, they should be equal. At some point, for long lists my implementation will be far slower than yours.

As a further comparison point, here's my own optimized dynamic programming solution. It runs in O(n log k) time and O(n) space, returning the actual longest increasing subsequences it finds along the way:

def an_lis(nums):
    table, lis = lis_table(nums), []
    for i in xrange(len(table)):
    return lis

def lis_table(nums):
    if not nums:
        return []
    table, preds = [0], [0] * len(nums)
    for i in xrange(1, len(nums)):
        if nums[table[-1]] < nums[i]:
            preds[i] = table[-1]
        minIdx, maxIdx = 0, len(table)-1
        while minIdx < maxIdx:
            mid = (minIdx + maxIdx) / 2
            if nums[table[mid]] < nums[i]:
                minIdx = mid + 1
                maxIdx = mid
        if nums[i] < nums[table[minIdx]]:
            if minIdx > 0:
                preds[i] = table[minIdx-1]
            table[minIdx] = i
    current, i = table[-1], len(table)
    while i:
        i -= 1
        table[i], current = current, preds[current]
    return table


10-10 01:37